(Because it is the first article, please understand that there are places where words are sparse)
In the Maven project in Eclipse [! ] Is displayed, but the flow of measures to be taken when a problem is encountered that cannot be fixed even if the project is updated or the source is downloaded again.
First of all, as a common remedy
[Build Path] → [Library]
I tried to open and check the strange place
No abnormality is displayed
Even if you go to check the jar normally
There is properly
Then check the problem tab
'C: /Users/~~~/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.8/httpcore-4.4.8.jar' cannot be loaded or is not a valid ZIP file
I was addicted to it from here [Quick fix] When I selected, I ended up just opening the [Build Path] window, and I couldn't deal with it, so I couldn't move from here.
I tried to decompile the problematic Jar
that? I can't open the contents
The cause was that the ** jar file itself was corrupted ** As a final method
After dropping Eclipse, I deleted it entirely, restarted Eclipse, downloaded the source again, and it was fixed.
(I wonder if the first article should be like this ...)