[Google Colab] I want to display multiple images side by side in tiles

When processing images with Google Colaboratory, you may want to display and compare multiple images. If you simply display each sheet in a loop, it will take up space vertically and scrolling will be difficult, so I want to arrange them horizontally as much as possible to make effective use of the space.

I haven't confirmed it, but it may work with Jupyter Lab / Notebook.


Batch display of images read as Numpy.ndarray

Import required packages (for copying)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Defined as a function (for copying)

def show_images(images, figsize=(20,10), columns = 5):
  for i, image in enumerate(images):
      plt.subplot(len(images) / columns + 1, columns, i + 1)

Image loading example

This time, we will use the CIFAR-100 dataset that can be read using Keras.

from keras.datasets import cifar100

(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar100.load_data(label_mode='fine')
images = x_train[:10]

Call example



show_images(x_train[:100], figsize=(10,15), columns = 10)


The parameters need some adjustment.


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