I tried to express the phone number (landline / mobile phone) with a regular expression in Rails and write validation and test


I tried to express the phone number with a regular expression to validate the phone number.

Please refer to the following for regular expressions.
Beginners welcome! Introduction to regular expressions that can be learned by hand and eyes, part 1 "Let's search for phone numbers in various formats" Created while verifying ruby regular expression with Ruby | Rubular #ruby #regular expression Rubular (You can check it while verifying the regular expression)

Phone number prerequisites

There are various combinations (number of digits, hyphens, parentheses) in the phone number, but this time we will express it on the premise of the following

·Fixed-line phone ・ 10 digits in total ・ Head is 0 ・ 4 digits at the end ・ Hyphens and parentheses may be included (not required)

·mobile phone ・ 11 digits in total ・ The 1st and 3rd digits are 0 ・ The second digit is 5-9 ・ Hyphens and parentheses may be included (not required)

The patterns of telephone numbers that satisfy these requirements are roughly classified as follows. (0 is fixed and x can be any number) ・ Landline phone (10 digits)

0x-xxxx-xxxx 0xx-xxx-xxxx 0xxx-xx-xxxx 0xxxx-x-xxxx

・ Mobile phone (11 digits) 050-xxxx-xxxx 060-xxxx-xxxx 070-xxxx-xxxx 080-xxxx-xxxx 090-xxxx-xxxx

Expressed as a regular expression (copy and paste is OK !!)

Fixed-line phone:\A0(\d{1}[-(]?\d{4}|\d{2}[-(]?\d{3}|\d{3}[-(]?\d{2}|\d{4}[-(]?\d{1})[-)]?\d{4}\z ** Mobile phone: \ A0 [5789] 0 [-]? \ D {4} [-]? \ D {4} \ z ** </ font> 正規表現_Rubular.png

Explanation of regular expressions

\ A: Represents an acronym \ d {n}: n digits [-(]?: Contains "-" or "(" (may not be available) |: or \ z: Last character

To make it easier to read, I tried to divide it as follows. (\d{1}[-(]?\d{4}|\d{2}[-(]?\d{3}|\d{3}[-(]?\d{2}|\d{4}[-(]?\d{1})Is long and difficult to understand"|"Line breaks with.

【Fixed-line phone】 正規表現_固定.png

【mobile phone】 正規表現_携帯.png

Validation and testing with Rspec

With this in mind, I wrote a phone number validation and test.


class User < ApplicationRecord
  VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX = /\A0(\d{1}[-(]?\d{4}|\d{2}[-(]?\d{3}|\d{3}[-(]?\d{2}|\d{4}[-(]?\d{1})[-)]?\d{4}\z|\A0[5789]0[-]?\d{4}[-]?\d{4}\z/
  validates :phone_number, presence: true, format: { with: VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX }


RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
  before do
    stub_const('VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX', \A0(\d{1}[-(]?\d{4}|\d{2}[-(]?\d{3}|\d{3}[-(]?\d{2}|\d{4}[-(]?\d{1})[-)]?\d{4}\z|\A0[5789]0[-]?\d{4}[-]?\d{4}\z)
  context 'format' do
    let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) }  #User's FactoryBot is created in a separate file.

    it 'phone_The number format is correct' do
      expect(user.phone_number).to match(VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX)

The following has been added with reference to the comments given by @jnchito. (2020/6/22)


FactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    phone_number { "0#{rand(0..9)}0#{rand(1_000_000..99_999_999)}" }
    # 1,The third digit is 0,10 in total-Generate an 11-digit phone number

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