I was charged a lot by AWS during development on rails, but ...

Introduction As you can see in the article below, I was charged a lot due to a mistake in the initial settings while developing an app with rails. https://qiita.com/381704/items/d5216295eadd67eb9e8c

I was completely inadequate and thought that I had to pay because I had used it properly, but I sent the following email to the AWS support center. (I was reluctant to post the text, but I'll keep in mind that it would be evidence & hope of someone in the same situation) スクリーンショット 2020-07-07 16.17.45.png

Two days later, I received a reply from AWS Support. The reply is to delete the currently charged RDS instance and snapshot, and then ask if a refund is possible. According to the contents, I deleted RDS and sent an email to AWS again to complete the deletion. Two days later, AWS Support responded and said that they would provide a refund only this time! !! !!

The total billing fee was over $ 600, but AWS refunded it, and the final billing fee was about $ 100. Even though my fault is completely on my side, I cannot thank you enough for taking this action.

Since I was leaving my job, I was in a financially difficult situation, which really helped me. Thank you very much. As a reflection, I attached two billing alarms, purchased AWS teaching materials at Udemy, and relearned how to use AWS from the basics. We will continue to use the service.

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