[Java] Flow from introduction of STS to confirmation of dynamic page on localhost (2/3)

This is a continuation from the previous explanation of the MVC model.

The article is divided into three parts. 1. Description of MVC model ** 2. From the introduction of STS to Japanese localization by Pleiades ← Now here ** 3. From creating a project to checking the page on the local host

This time, from the introduction of STS to the Japanese localization by Pleiades.

Tools used

--SpringToolSuite 4.7.0 (used as an Eclipse plug-in)

STS is for using Spring, one of the Java frameworks. This time I chose Eclipse from among several integrated development environments (IDEs) to implement the STS. An IDE provides the functionality to write, compile, and debug code. In addition to Eclipse, it can be installed in IDEs such as VS Code and Theia. Thymeleaf is an HTML template engine.

From installation and startup of STS

Download STS from Official Page. Select the IDE for Eclipse at the top. download01

Unless otherwise specified, the download destination should be your own download folder. There is a jar file that starts with the name "spring-too-suite-4", so run it. download02 If such a window appears near the upper left of the PC screen, the installation is proceeding normally.

When the installation is complete, the STS folder will be created. This time, I put it in the download folder as it is, but you can move it to another folder. download03

When you enter the folder, you will find some files. Among them, the .exe file with the STS logo is the main body. You can start STS from this file. download04

Since coming out launcher When you start it should be asked to specify a workspace, let's create a folder somewhere in advance. This time, I created a folder called "Hello World" on the desktop and designated it as a workspace. launch

Click the start button to display the STS work screen. You can create a project at this point, but this time we will introduce a plugin for Eclipse called Pleiades and translate it into Japanese. home01

Introduce Pleiades and translate it into Japanese

First of all, if you have STS open, close it as a preparation. Pleiades can be downloaded from the here page. I think that the page has All in One in the upper row and links in the middle where you can download the plug-in, but since you have already installed Eclipse in the form of STS, you can just use the plug-in. This time it is Windows, so download it from the leftmost button. pleiades01

When the download is complete, a .zip file will be created in the download folder again, so unzip it. The top is before defrosting and the bottom is after defrosting. pleiades02

If you enter the unzipped folder, you will find some files again. Execute the file "setup.exe" in it. pleiades03

When executed, the setup window will be displayed. Pleiades can be used not only in Eclipse, but also in other IDEs such as Android Studio. Click the selection button of the application to be translated into Japanese. pleiades04

When the file selection window appears, select the executable file (SpringToolSuite4.exe) in the already installed STS folder. pleiades05

After selecting, you will be returned to the original setup window. At this point, I think that the application to be translated into Japanese, the directory where Pleiades is located, and the file to which the Pleiades settings are added are entered. After that, click the Japanese localization button at the bottom right to start Japanese localization of STS. pleiades06

Start STS when the setup window closes. You can see that the first launcher has already been translated into Japanese. For the project folder, select Hello World on your desktop, just like the one you created above. If Pleiades is running well, the work screen should be in Japanese. home02

So far, we have proceeded from downloading STS to Japanese localization by Pleiades. Next, I will actually create a project and check the page on the local host.

Next time: From project creation to checking the page on localhost

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