Ruby: Delete CouchDB data


#! /usr/bin/ruby
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
#	couch_delete.rb
#					Jul/31/2020
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
require 'faraday'
require 'json'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
STDERR.puts	"***start***"
key_in = ARGV[0]
puts key_in

URL="http://localhost:5984/nagano/" + key_in
res = Faraday.get URL

puts	res.status

if res.status == 200 then
	json_str = res.body

	puts data_aa
	puts data_aa["_rev"]
	url_del = URL + "?rev=" + data_aa["_rev"]

	res = Faraday.delete url_del

	puts res.status

STDERR.puts	"***End***"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------


./couch_delete.rb t2026

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