Sample code to get key JDBC type values in Java + H2 Database


--Show sample code to define major JDBC type columns in a table in H2 Database and get column values from Java program --Operation check environment this time: H2 Database 1.4.200 + Java 14 (AdoptOpenJDK 14.0.2) + Gradle 6.5.1 + macOS Catalina

What is a JDBC type?

JDBC types are types that intervene between SQL types and Java language types. Close to a type that represents SQL data (such as CHAR or INTEGER).

SQL type ← (mapping) → JDBC type ← (mapping) → Java language type

Introduction to JDBC API -Mapping between SQL and Java types

There are significant differences between the SQL types supported by different database products. Even if different databases support SQL types that have the same meaning, they may be given different names. For example, most major databases support SQL types for large binary values, which Oracle calls LONG RAW, Sybase IMAGE, Informix BYTE, and DB2 LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA. ..

JDBC programmers usually don't have to worry about the actual SQL type name used by the target database. In many cases, JDBC programmers do not need to program on existing database tables and pay attention to the exact SQL type name that created those tables.

JDBC defines a set of generic SQL type identifiers in the class java.sql.Types. The types in the set are designed to represent the most commonly used SQL types. Programming with the JDBC API allows programmers to use the set of JDBC types to reference generic SQL types without being aware of the exact SQL type name used by the target database. ..

Sample code

File list

├── build.gradle
└── src
    └── main
        └── java


plugins {
  id 'application'
  id 'java'

sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_14

repositories {

dependencies {
  // H2 Database 1.4.Introduced 200
  implementation 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.200'

tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
  //Use Java 14 preview feature
  options.compilerArgs += ['--enable-preview']

application {
  //Use Java 14 preview feature
  applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['--enable-preview']
  mainClassName = 'JdbcSample'

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Arrays;

class JdbcSample {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    //Connect to H2 Database
    // mem:In-memory database
    // DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1:Do not delete DB contents when disconnecting
    String url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1";
    String user = "sa";
    String password = "";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

    //Create table
    //Various JDBC types(Subtly different from SQL data types)Define column with
    // (Use the text block function that can be written like a here document that can be used with the Java 14 preview function)
      create table test (
        --String type
        my_char         CHAR,         --Short fixed length string
        my_varchar      VARCHAR,      --Short variable length string
        my_longvarchar  LONGVARCHAR,  --Long variable length string
        my_clob         CLOB,         -- Character Large Object

        --Binary type
        my_binary         BINARY(4),         --Small fixed length binary(SQL data type BIT)
        my_varbinary      VARBINARY(4),      --Small variable length binary(SQL data type BIT VARYING)
        my_longvarbinary  LONGVARBINARY(4),  --Large variable length binary
        my_blob           BLOB(4),           -- Binary Large Object

        --Boolean type
        my_boolean  BOOLEAN,  --Boolean value

        --Integer type
        my_smallint  SMALLINT,  -- short
        my_integer   INTEGER,   -- int
        my_bigint    BIGINT,    -- long

        --Floating point type
        my_real    REAL,    --Single precision floating point number float
        my_double  DOUBLE,  --Double precision floating point number double

        --Fixed point type
        my_numeric  NUMERIC,  --Fixed point number
        my_decimal  DECIMAL,  --Fixed point type

        --Time type
        my_date       DATE,       --date
        my_time       TIME,       --Hours, minutes, and seconds
        my_timestamp  TIMESTAMP   --date+Hours, minutes, and seconds+Nanoseconds

    //Add record
    // (Use the text block function that can be written like a here document that can be used with the Java 14 preview function)
      insert into test values (
        --String type
        'Hello', -- CHAR
        'Hello', -- VARCHAR
        'Hello', -- LONGVARCHAR
        'Hello', -- CLOB

        --Binary type
        X'CAFEBABE',  -- BINARY,
        X'CAFEBABE',  -- BLOB,

        --Boolean type
        TRUE,  -- BOOLEAN

        --Integer type
        32767              ,  -- SMALLINT
        2147483647         ,  -- INTEGER
        9223372036854775807,  -- BIGINT

        --Floating point type
        123.0001,  -- REAL
        123.0001,  -- DOUBLE

        --Fixed point type
        123.0001,  -- NUMERIC
        123.0001,  -- DECIMAL

        --Time type
        '2001-02-03',                     -- DATE
        '04:05:06',                       -- TIME
        '2001-02-03 04:05:06.123456789'   -- TIMESTAMP

    //Get record
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from test");
    while ( {

      //Get the Java object type for the column's JDBC type
      System.out.println("Column name-JDBC type-Java object type");
      ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
      for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
          rsmd.getColumnName(i) + " - " +
          rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i) + " - " +

      //Get column values
      System.out.println("Column name-Column value");

      //String type
      System.out.println("my_char=" + rs.getString("my_char"));
      System.out.println("my_varchar=" + rs.getString("my_varchar"));
      System.out.println("my_longvarchar=" + rs.getString("my_longvarchar"));
      System.out.println("my_clob=" + rs.getClob("my_clob"));

      //Binary type
      System.out.println("my_binary=" + Arrays.toString(rs.getBytes("my_binary")));
      System.out.println("my_varbinary=" + Arrays.toString(rs.getBytes("my_varbinary")));
      System.out.println("my_longvarbinary=" + Arrays.toString(rs.getBytes("my_longvarbinary")));
      System.out.println("my_blob=" + rs.getBlob("my_blob"));

      //Boolean type
      System.out.println("my_boolean=" + rs.getBoolean("my_boolean"));

      //Integer type
      System.out.println("my_smallint=" + rs.getShort("my_smallint"));
      System.out.println("my_integer=" + rs.getInt("my_integer"));
      System.out.println("my_bigint=" + rs.getBigDecimal("my_bigint"));

      //Floating point type
      System.out.println("my_real=" + rs.getFloat("my_real"));
      System.out.println("my_double=" + rs.getDouble("my_double"));

      //Fixed point type
      System.out.println("my_numeric=" + rs.getBigDecimal("my_numeric"));
      System.out.println("my_decimal=" + rs.getBigDecimal("my_decimal"));

      //Time type
      System.out.println("my_date=" + rs.getDate("my_date"));
      System.out.println("my_time=" + rs.getTime("my_time"));
      System.out.println("my_timestamp=" + rs.getTimestamp("my_timestamp"));


Execution result

Run with Gradle's run task.

$ gradle run

> Task :compileJava
Caution:/Users/foo/bar/src/main/java/ uses the preview language feature.
Caution:Detail is,-Xlint:Please recompile with the preview option.

> Task :run
Column name-JDBC type-Java object type
MY_CHAR - CHAR - java.lang.String
MY_VARCHAR - VARCHAR - java.lang.String
MY_LONGVARCHAR - VARCHAR - java.lang.String
MY_CLOB - CLOB - java.sql.Clob
MY_BLOB - BLOB - java.sql.Blob
MY_BOOLEAN - BOOLEAN - java.lang.Boolean
MY_SMALLINT - SMALLINT - java.lang.Short
MY_INTEGER - INTEGER - java.lang.Integer
MY_BIGINT - BIGINT - java.lang.Long
MY_REAL - REAL - java.lang.Float
MY_DOUBLE - DOUBLE - java.lang.Double
MY_NUMERIC - DECIMAL - java.math.BigDecimal
MY_DECIMAL - DECIMAL - java.math.BigDecimal
MY_DATE - DATE - java.sql.Date
MY_TIME - TIME - java.sql.Time
MY_TIMESTAMP - TIMESTAMP - java.sql.Timestamp

Column name-Column value
my_clob=clob0: 'Hello'
my_binary=[-54, -2, -70, -66]
my_varbinary=[-54, -2, -70, -66]
my_longvarbinary=[-54, -2, -70, -66]
my_blob=blob0: X'cafebabe'
my_timestamp=2001-02-03 04:05:06.123457

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed

Reference material

-Introduction to JDBC API -Mapping between SQL and Java types

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