The lifecycle method [methodName] must not throw a checked exception.

--Environment --Windows10 64bit version 1909 - openjdk 11 2018-09-25 - Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers Version: 2020-03 (4.15.0) - JSF 2.3.9

Event: An error message was displayed when starting Payara

Dialog error

cannot Deploy app-name
deploy is failing=Error occurred during deployment:
 Exception while deploying the app [app-name] :
 The lifecycle method [methodName] must not throw a checked exception. Related annotation information:
 annotation [@javax.annotation.PostConstruct()] on annotated element [private void throws$HogeException] of type [METHOD].
 Please see server.log for more details.

Cause: Because the method with @PostConstruct throws an exception

The method to which the PostConstruct annotation is applied must meet all of the following criteria: (Omitted) If this method throws an unchecked exception, you should not use this class unless the EJB allows you to handle and recover from the exception.

     *Initialization process.
     * @throws HogeException exception.
    private void methodName() throws HogeException {
        //Processing that raises an exception...
        //Other processing...

Action: Move the process to the method of f: viewAction

    /**Initialization process. */
    private void methodName() {
        //Other processing...

     *Screen display processing.
     * @throws HogeException exception.
    public void viewAction() throws HogeException {
        //Processing that raises an exception...


    <f:viewAction action="#{hogePreviewController.viewAction()}" />

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The lifecycle method [methodName] must not throw a checked exception.
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