Add spring boot and gradle to eclipse

Click here for the previous article Build Java environment and output hello world

Let's add spring boot and gradle this time.

What is spring boot?

It is a framework with a mechanism to develop Web applications using Java quickly and efficiently. A framework is like a program template prepared to make programming more efficient. In short, it's a guy to write programs easily.

What is Gradle?

From the wiki

Gradle is an open source build automation system based on the Apache Ant and Apache Maven concepts, using a Groovy-based or Kotlin Script-based domain-specific language (DSL) to declare project settings instead of the XML format used by Apache Maven. Adopted

Yup. Well I do not know. When I looked it up, this article was very easy to understand (Introduction to Gradle)

There are many things that are useful for development. It's a hassle to fetch one thing each time to use it, so please give me this to Gradle-san. Gradle-san will do it for you. I think it's like that.

to add

Add from Eclipse Marketplace.

    1. [Help] => Open [Eclipse Marketplace]
  1. Enter gradle in search to search and press install image.png
    1. A license review will appear, so select I accept and finish
  2. When the installation is complete, you will be asked to restart, so restart and you're done.

You can add plugins in the same way as 1 to 4, so let's add spring as well.

Next time, I will add a plugin that is convenient for development. Next => Install the plugin in Eclipse

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