Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung der Materialien für JJUG CCC Herbst 2018. Derzeit wird bearbeitet Der Zeitplan ist unten https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cyNPjk8doq26FgjhLVwA0Pw2grGFwxqo4yVXqJgQCTE/edit#gid=413114967
A + B
(Yu Watanabe (@nabedge)) # ccc_a1 https://www.slideshare.net/nabedge/ordb
(opengl-8080) # ccc_a2a https://qiita.com/opengl-8080/items/bcac846ba604a86fc4d4
(Herr Tokuhiro Matsuno) # ccc_a2b
(Nippon IBM Co., Ltd.) # ccc_a3 https://speakerdeck.com/taijihagino/java-spring-boot-with-kubernetes-on-ibm-cloud
(M3 Co., Ltd.) # ccc_a4 https://speakerdeck.com/m3_engineering/jjug-ccc-2018fall-kotlin-in-m3
"Deep dive into instanceof (Smart News Co., Ltd.) # ccc_a5 "
(Oisix La Earth Co., Ltd.) # ccc_a6 https://www.slideshare.net/hiroakikobayashi1806/18ecspring-bootk8s-on-azure
(Herr Kenji Kazumura) # ccc_a7 https://www.slideshare.net/kenjikazumura/gcjvm
C + D
(Tomohiro Ito) # ccc_c1
(Kiyotaka Suzuki (@ tamtam180)) # ccc_c2 https://www.slideshare.net/tamrin69/getting-started-graalvm
"Beginning Jakarta EE, GlassFish and Payara (Payara Services Ltd) #ccc_c3" https://www.slideshare.net/khasunuma/beginning-jakartaeeglassfishpayara
(Yasumasa Suenaga) # ccc_c4 https://www.slideshare.net/YaSuenag/jdk-125949908
(Frew Co., Ltd.) # ccc_c5 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wTm_eSbsM2ihfz27QpSHzuRcCIhcRYKom-Vx_-FfUts/edit?usp=sharing
(Herr Naoki Kishida) # ccc_c6 https://qiita.com/nowokay/items/80e8ccd50f6749846dd6
(FOLIO Co., Ltd.) # ccc_c7 https://speakerdeck.com/mura_mi/folio-in-jjug-ccc-2018-fall
E + F
Denken Sie an die Zukunft von Java # ccc_e1 "
Java Concurrency, A(nother) Peek Under the Hood (David Buck) #ccc_e2"
(Yoshitaka Kawashima) # ccc_e3 https://www.slideshare.net/kawasima/jjug-ccc-2018-fall
(SMS Co., Ltd.) # ccc_e4 " https://speakerdeck.com/sukun1899/fu-za-nadomeinnini-chou-kuli-tixiang-kau
(Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.) # ccc_e5 "
(irof) # ccc_e6 https://speakerdeck.com/irof/kodowodomannakaniju-etashe-ji-apuroti
G + H
(Herr Ko Fukushima) # ccc_g1
(Money Forward Co., Ltd.) # ccc_g2 "
(LINE Co., Ltd.) # ccc_g3
(Yuichi Sakuraba) # ccc_g4 https://www.slideshare.net/skrb/stream-api-125945709
Migration Guide from Java 8 to Java 11 (KUBOTA Yuji) # ccc_g5 https://gist.github.com/ykubota/b37a62de579dc92d02c9483974160c67
(Ul Systems Co., Ltd.) # ccc_g6 https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/hiroiso/200000-reqsec
(Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.) # ccc_g7 "
Don't Go, Java (Chris Engelbert) #ccc_i1
The Silence of the Lambs: Inspecting Source Code and Binaries, in Continuous Delivery Pipelines (Michael Hüttermann) #ccc_i2
Project Helidon: Java Libraries for Microservices (David Delabassee) #ccc_i3
Serverless Architecture in the Java Ecosystem (PRATIK PATEL) #ccc_i4
Revisiting Effective Java in 2018 (Edson Yanaga) #ccc_i5
GraphQL vs Traditional Rest API (Vladimir Dejanovic) #ccc_i6
How Java Leverage XDevAPI of MySQL Connector/J To Get the Best of Both SQL & NoSQL (IvanTu2729) # ccc_i7 https://www.slideshare.net/
(Ryo Shindo) # ccc_l1a https://t.co/IHcjeaXzfq
(zhanpon) # ccc_l1b https://speakerdeck.com/zhanpon/ddd-and-spring-boot
(Herr Iori Yoneji) # ccc_l2
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