Erstellen Sie Azure-Funktionen in Java

Microsoft-Dokumentation ["Erstellen Sie Ihre erste Funktion mit Java und Maven (Vorschau)"]( Ich habe Java-Maven) in der folgenden Umgebung ausprobiert.

Da es sicher funktionierte, das folgende Memo.

Installieren der Azure Functions Core Tools

Ich habe die Azure Functions Core Tools unter Bezugnahme auf Dokumentation installiert. Gemäß dem Verfahren habe ich zuerst .NET Core installiert.

Laden Sie das .NET Core SDK von der .NET Core-Downloadseite herunter ( 2018-09-16_12h36_38.png

Fahren Sie mit der Installation fort. 2018-09-16_12h39_37.png

Die Installation ist abgeschlossen. 2018-09-16_12h45_16.png

Installieren Sie die Azure Functions Core Tools mit npm. Ich habe npm 5.6.0 verwendet, das bereits in meiner Umgebung installiert war.

npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@core

Erstellen Sie eine Vorlage mit dem Archetyp Azure-Funktionen

Erstellen Sie eine Vorlage mit Mavens "Azure-Funktionen-Archetypen".

Wählen Sie im VS-Code ** "Ansicht" ** -> ** "Befehlspalette" ** und dann ** "Maven: Aus Maven-Archetyp generieren" **, um den Zielordner auszuwählen. 2018-09-17_21h09_55.png

** Wählen Sie "Azure-Funktionen-Archetyp" **. 2018-09-17_21h11_09.png

Die folgende Verarbeitung wird dann automatisch gestartet.

PS D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava> cmd /c mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId="azure-functions-archetype" -DarchetypeGroupId=""
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< org.apache.maven:standalone-pom >-------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:3.0.1:generate (default-cli) > generate-sources @ standalone-pom >>>
[INFO] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:3.0.1:generate (default-cli) < generate-sources @ standalone-pom <<<
[INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:3.0.1:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
[INFO] Archetype [] found in catalog remote
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (1.5 kB at 4.3 kB/s)
Downloading from central:
Downloaded from central: (15 kB at 44 kB/s)

Auf interaktiv setzen. Hier werden nur die Gruppen-ID und die Artefakt-ID angegeben, und der Rest bleibt standardmäßig leer.

Define value for property 'groupId' (should match expression '[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+'): tech.kikutaro
[INFO] Using property: groupId = tech.kikutaro
Define value for property 'artifactId' (should match expression '[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+'): AzureFunctionsJava
[INFO] Using property: artifactId = AzureFunctionsJava
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package' tech.kikutaro: :
Define value for property 'appName' azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850: :
Define value for property 'appRegion' westus: :
Define value for property 'resourceGroup' java-functions-group: :
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: tech.kikutaro
groupId: tech.kikutaro
artifactId: AzureFunctionsJava
artifactId: AzureFunctionsJava
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: tech.kikutaro
appName: azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850
appRegion: westus
resourceGroup: java-functions-group
 Y: : Y
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: azure-functions-archetype:1.15
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: tech.kikutaro
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: AzureFunctionsJava
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: tech.kikutaro
[INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: tech/kikutaro
[INFO] Parameter: appName, Value: azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850
[INFO] Parameter: resourceGroup, Value: java-functions-group
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: tech.kikutaro
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: tech.kikutaro
[INFO] Parameter: appRegion, Value: westus
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: AzureFunctionsJava
[INFO] Project created from Archetype in dir: D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:20 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-09-17T21:13:37+09:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Damit ist die Vorlage fertig. Obwohl es als Vorlage bezeichnet wird, wird der folgende Code geschrieben, sodass Sie ihn so verschieben können, wie er ist.

package tech.kikutaro;

import java.util.*;

 * Azure Functions with HTTP Trigger.
public class Function {
     * This function listens at endpoint "/api/HttpTrigger-Java". Two ways to invoke it using "curl" command in bash:
     * 1. curl -d "HTTP Body" {your host}/api/HttpTrigger-Java
     * 2. curl {your host}/api/HttpTrigger-Java?name=HTTP%20Query
    public HttpResponseMessage run(
            @HttpTrigger(name = "req", methods = {HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST}, authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS) HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
            final ExecutionContext context) {
        context.getLogger().info("Java HTTP trigger processed a request.");

        // Parse query parameter
        String query = request.getQueryParameters().get("name");
        String name = request.getBody().orElse(query);

        if (name == null) {
            return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).body("Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body").build();
        } else {
            return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK).body("Hello, " + name).build();

Lokale Betriebsprüfung


mvn clean package

Im Folgenden werden einige Download-Teile weggelassen.

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< tech.kikutaro:AzureFunctionsJava >------------------
[INFO] Building Azure Java Functions 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Deleting D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources (default-resources) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\src\main\resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\classes
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\src\test\resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 2 source files to D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\test-classes
[WARNING] /D:/web/azure/AzureFunctionsJava/AzureFunctionsJava/src/test/java/tech/kikutaro/ D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\src\test\java\tech\kikutaro\FunctionTest.Java-Operationen sind deaktiviert oder unsicher.
[WARNING] /D:/web/azure/AzureFunctionsJava/AzureFunctionsJava/src/test/java/tech/kikutaro/ ist,-Xlint:Recon mit der deaktivierten Option
Bitte stapeln.
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Surefire report directory: D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Running tech.kikutaro.FunctionTest
9 17, 2018 9:25:20 Uhr tech.kikutaro.Function run
Information: Java HTTP trigger processed a request.
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.302 sec

Results :

Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.1:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Building jar: D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\AzureFunctionsJava-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] --- azure-functions-maven-plugin:1.0.0-beta-6:package (package-functions) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
Downloading from central:
AI: INFO 17-09-2018 21:27, 1: Configuration file has been successfully found as resource
AI: INFO 17-09-2018 21:27, 1: Configuration file has been successfully found as resource
[INFO] Step 1 of 7: Searching for Azure Functions entry points
[INFO] 1 Azure Functions entry point(s) found.
[INFO] Step 2 of 7: Generating Azure Functions configurations
[INFO] Generation done.
[INFO] Step 3 of 7: Validating generated configurations
[INFO] Validation done.
[INFO] Step 4 of 7: Saving empty host.json
[INFO] Successfully saved to D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850\host.json
[INFO] Step 5 of 7: Saving configurations to function.json
[INFO] Starting processing function: HttpTrigger-Java
[INFO] Successfully saved to D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850\HttpTrigger-Java\function.json
[INFO] Step 6 of 7: Copying JARs to staging directoryD:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850
[INFO] Copied successfully.
[INFO] Step 7 of 7: Installing function extensions if needed
  Writing C:\Users\kikuta\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC1CE.tmp
info :Paket'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.ExtensionsMetadataGenerator'PackageReference-Projekt'D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\extensions.csproj'Ich füge hinzu.
log  : D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\extensions.Wiederherstellen des csproj-Pakets...
info :Paket'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.ExtensionsMetadataGenerator'Ist ein Projekt'D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\extensions.csproj'Kompatibel mit allen angegebenen Frameworks von.
info :Paket'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.ExtensionsMetadataGenerator'Ausführung'1.0.0'PackageReference ist eine Datei'D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\extensions.csproj'Aktualisiert mit.

.Microsoft für NET Core(R)Build Engine Version 15.8.166+gd4e8d81a88
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.All rights reserved.

  D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\extensions.Wiederherstellen des csproj-Pakets...
MSBuild-Datei D.:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\obj\extensions.csproj.nuget.g.Requisiten generieren.
MSBuild-Datei D.:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\obj\extensions.csproj.nuget.g.Ziele generieren.
  D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\extensions.Die Wiederherstellung von csproj ist 971.In 41 ms abgeschlossen.
  extensions -> D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850\bin\extensions.dll

Der Build war erfolgreich.
0 Warnungen
0 Fehler

Verstrichene Zeit 00:00:17.67

[INFO] Function extension installation done.
[INFO] Successfully built Azure Functions.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:copy-resources (copy-resources) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 03:07 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-09-17T21:28:15+09:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ich werde das machen.

mvn azure-functions:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< tech.kikutaro:AzureFunctionsJava >------------------
[INFO] Building Azure Java Functions 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- azure-functions-maven-plugin:1.0.0-beta-6:run (default-cli) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
AI: INFO 17-09-2018 22:00, 1: Configuration file has been successfully found as resource
AI: INFO 17-09-2018 22:00, 1: Configuration file has been successfully found as resource
[INFO] Azure Function App's staging directory found at: D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850
[INFO] Azure Functions Core Tools found.

            @   %%%%%%    @
          @@   %%%%%%      @@
       @@@    %%%%%%%%%%%    @@@
     @@      %%%%%%%%%%        @@
       @@         %%%%       @@
         @@      %%%       @@
           @@    %%      @@

Azure Functions Core Tools (2.0.1-beta.38)
Function Runtime Version: 2.0.12050.0
Skipping 'AzureWebJobsStorage' from local settings as it's already defined in current environment variables.
Skipping 'AzureWebJobsDashboard' from local settings as it's already defined in current environment variables.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.XmlKeyManager[0]
      User profile is available. Using 'C:\Users\kikuta\AppData\Local\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys' as key repository and Windows DPAPI to encrypt keys at rest.
info: Host.Startup[0]
      Reading host configuration file 'D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850\host.json'info: Host.Startup[0]
      Host configuration file read:
        "version": "2.0"
[2018/09/17 13:00:43] Initializing Host.
[2018/09/17 13:00:43] Host initialization: ConsecutiveErrors=0, StartupCount=1
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Starting JobHost
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Starting Host (HostId=xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx, InstanceId=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, Version=2.0.12050.0, ProcessId=11372, AppDomainId=1, Debug=False, FunctionsExtensionVersion=)
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Starting language worker process:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152\bin\java  -jar "C:\Users\kikuta\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\azure-functions-core-tools\bin\workers\java\azure-functions-java-worker.jar" --host --port 36887 --workerId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --requestId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --grpcMaxMessageLength 134217728
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152\bin\java process with Id=26080 started
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Generating 1 job function(s)
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Found the following functions:
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Host.Functions.HttpTrigger-Java
[2018/09/17 13:00:44]
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Host initialized (678ms)
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Host started (695ms)
[2018/09/17 13:00:44] Job host started
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
Listening on
Hit CTRL-C to exit...

Http Functions:

        HttpTrigger-Java: http://localhost:7071/api/HttpTrigger-Java

[2018/09/17 13:00:45] Microsoft Azure Functions Java Runtime [build 1.1.0-beta9]
[2018/09/17 13:00:49] [INFO] {MessageHandler.handle}: Message generated by "StartStream.Builder"
[2018/09/17 13:00:49] Host lock lease acquired by instance ID '0000000000000000000000000xxxxxxx'.
[2018/09/17 13:00:57] Worker initialized
[2018/09/17 13:00:57] "HttpTrigger-Java" loaded (ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, Reflection: "D:\web\azure\AzureFunctionsJava\AzureFunctionsJava\target\azure-functions\azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850\AzureFunctionsJava-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"::"")

Beim Zugriff auf "http: // localhost: 7071" wurde Folgendes angezeigt. 2018-09-16_13h13_14.png

Außerdem habe ich die folgende Anzeige unter "http: // localhost: 7071 / api / HttpTrigger-Java? Name = kikutaro" bestätigt. 2018-09-16_13h14_27.png

Bereitstellung in Microsoft Azure

Da wir den Vorgang lokal bestätigen konnten, werden wir ihn schließlich in Azure bereitstellen. Zuerst vom Login.

az login


mvn azure-functions:deploy
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< tech.kikutaro:AzureFunctionsJava >------------------
[INFO] Building Azure Java Functions 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- azure-functions-maven-plugin:1.0.0-beta-6:deploy (default-cli) @ AzureFunctionsJava ---
AI: INFO 17-09-2018 22:07, 1: Configuration file has been successfully found as resource
AI: INFO 17-09-2018 22:07, 1: Configuration file has been successfully found as resource
[INFO] Authenticate with Azure CLI 2.0
[INFO] The specified function app does not exist. Creating a new function app...
[INFO] Successfully created the function app: azurefunctionsjava-20180917211315850
[INFO] Trying to deploy the function app...
[INFO] Successfully deployed the function app at
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 01:59 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-09-17T22:09:03+09:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wenn Sie im Azure-Portal einchecken, wird eine Ressourcengruppe mit dem in Maven angegebenen Namen erstellt. 2018-09-17_22h09_57.png

Sie können die URL überprüfen, indem Sie auf die erstellte Funktion klicken. 2018-09-17_22h08_29.png

Als lokal prüfen. Zunächst die Top-URL. 2018-09-17_22h14_58.png

Es verhält sich genauso wie lokal. 2018-09-17_22h14_25.png

Es war einfacher als ich erwartet hatte.

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