JAVA Referenzmaterialien

Zeichnen Sie Materialien auf, die sich auf die JAVA-Standardisierung und das Urheberrecht beziehen.

Überraschend jung, Programmsprache Geburtstag und Alter.

Ich habe das Gefühl, dass mir plötzlich die Luft berechnet wird, die ich geatmet habe.

JAVA wurde nicht zum ISO / IEC JTC1-Standard oder ECMA-Standard. Bestätigung, dass JAVA nicht wie Luft war.

Im Vergleich zu 1997-1998, als JAVA nicht zum ISO / IEC JTC1-Standard wurde PHP und Python wurden vor langer Zeit erstellt. Nicht im Zusammenhang mit der Geheimhaltung von JAVA.

Referenz 1

JavaTM Standardization A White Paper, Ken Urquhart, JavaSoft, 2550 Garcia Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043 U.S.A. 408-343-1400, April 1997

Referenz 2

Standardinformationen TR X 0005-1998 Java-Sprachbestimmungen Erläuterung

Referenz 3

JSG - Java Study Group

Referenz 4

ISO Java Standardization Profile

Referenz 5

JTC1/SC22 N2531 Mon, 28 Jul 1997

Referenz 6

TC1/SC22 N2574 Thu, 28 Aug 1997

Referenz 7

ISO/IEC JTC1 / SC22 / JSG Date: 1998-10-26 / 1998-10-27, Java Study Group

Referenz 8

Why JavaTM Was - Not - Standardized Twice, Tineke M. Egyedi Copyright 2001 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of the Hawai'i International Conference On System Sciences, January 3-6, 2001, Maui, Hawaii.

References [1] M.B.H. Weiss & M. Sirbu, "Technological choice in voluntary standards committees: an empirical analysis", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1, 1990, pp.111-133. [2] P. Grindley, Standards, Strategy and Policy: Cases and Stories, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995. [3] C.F. Cargill, Information Technology Standardization. Theory, Process and Organizations. Digital Press, Digital Equipment Corporation, 1989. [4] M.J. Bonino & M.B. Spring, "Standards as change agents in the information technology market", Computer Standards & Interfaces, 12, 1991, pp.97-107. [5] P.A. David & S. Greenstein, "The economics of compatibility standards: an introduction to recent research", Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, Vol. 1, 1990, pp.3-41. [6] H. de Vries, "Formele ICT-normalisatie: passe?", I&I, 17, 1999, pp. 28-35. [7] S.K. Schmidt & R. Werle, Coordinating Technology. Studies in the International Standardization of Telecommunications, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1998. [8] J. Farrell & G. Saloner, "Installed base and compatibility: innovation, product preannouncements and predation" American Economic Review, 76, 1986, pp.940-955. [9] F. Vercoulen & M. van Wegberg, "Het spel van samenwerking en concurrentie: Hybride standaard- selectieprocessen in de ICT sector", I&I, 17, 1999, pp. 19-27. [10] T.M. Egyedi, Compatibility strategies in licensing, open source software and formal standards: Externalities of Java 'standardization', Contribution to 5th Helsinki Workshop on Standardization and Networks, 13-14 August 2000. [11] Sun, Amended Complaint, October 14, 1997. [12] R.P. Gabriel and W.N. Joy, Sun Community Source License' Principles (SCSL), 1998. [13] Sun, The Java Community Process (sm) Program Manual: The formal procedures for using Java Specification development process (version 1.0, December 1998). [14] E.R. Harold, The Java Gated Community Process, 1999, []. [15] M. Vizard, "Java Lobby president calls for reform", InfoWorld Electric, November 19, 1998. [] [16] S. Shankland, "Sun offers olive branch to Java partners", CNET, March 1, 2000. [17] Sun, The Java Community Process (sm) Program Manual: The formal procedures for using Java Specification development process, version 2.0, review draft, April 2000. [18] Ch. Babcock, "Java: Can Sun control the flood", Inter@ctive Week, June 12, 2000, []. [19] ISO/IEC JTC1, The Transposition of Publicly Available Specifications into International Standards - A Management Guide -Revision 1 of JTC 1 N 3582, N 5746, January 1999. [20] ISO/IEC JTC1, JTC1 Directives, 1999. [21] T.M. Egyedi, Grey fora of standardization: a comparison of JTC 1 and Internet. KPN, KPN Research, Leidschendam. R&D-RA-94-1235, 1994. [22] T. Clark, "Java standard voted down--for now", CNET, July 30, 1997. [23] Sun, Sun response to ISO/IEC JTC1 N4811 and N4833, 1997 []. [24] ISO/IEC JTC1, N5090, November 1997. [25] "Sun's ISO application progresses", July 16 1997 []. [26] N. Brookes, "Has Sun gone off on one?", contribution to a discussion on JavaLobby Pro-Sun or Pro-Java?, 26 January 2000. [27] Sun press conference, Question and Answering session, November 1997, []. [28] United States of America v. Microsoft Corporation. Findings of Fact, United States District Court For The District Of Columbia, Civil Action No. 98-1232 (TPJ), 1999. [29] ISO/IEC JTC1, PAS Transposition: JTC 1 finishes trial, improves its guidelines and moves to regular operation, 1999- 9-8. [30] JTC 1 Chairman's Comments on Recent Press Articles Regarding Sun Microsystems' PAS Submitter Status, 1999-5-1, []. [31] S. Shankland, "Sun revising plan for Java recognition", CNET, April 29, 1999; 'Sun seeks control of Java process', CNET, May 6, 1999, []. [32] E.D. Jensen, Real-Time Java Status Report, Revised Draft, January 24, 1999, []. [33] S. Shankland, "Sun renews Java standards effort", CNET, May 5, 1999. [34] ECMA, Minutes of the 1st meeting of ECMA TC41 held in Menlo Park (USA) on 25th - 26th October 1999, ECMA/TC41/99/16, 1999. [35] J.C. Perez, "Sun changes strategy for Java's ISO approval", IDG News Service, May 6, 1999. [36] C. Sliwa, "Java standard switch: Will new process ease cross-platform compatibility?", Computerworld, May 7, 1999. [37] Sun press release, December 7, 1999. [38] ECMA CC 11-12 November 1999. [39] ECMA, Minutes of the meeting of the coordinating Committee held in Geneva on 11th - 12th November 1999, ECMA/GA/99/127. [40] The EICTA position paper is referred to in CSN 337-03 Sun's Up To Something. [41] Software Technology Embedded in or Becoming a Standard, ICTSB18 (00) 22, discussion paper. [42] Sun Microsystems v. Microsoft Corporation, United States District Court For The Northern District Of California, January 24, 2000, No. C 97-20884 Rmw (Pvt), Order Re Sun's Motion To Reinstate November 17, 1998 Preliminary Injunction Under 17 U.S.C. § 502; Preliminary Injunction Under Cal.Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17200 Et Seq. [43] J. Niccolai & L. Rohde, "Sun confers with licensees over control of Java", IDG News service, 3/3/2000.

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