EC2 initial settings


The procedure for "using the AWS server" is written in 5 parts.

Please check the articles below.

Initial setting of EC2 ← Imakoko ② Create a database in production environmentStart Rails on EC2Set up the Web serverAutomate deployment

AWS environment construction

Log in to your AWS account and set the "Region" next to your account to Tokyo.

Create an EC2 instance

An EC2 instance is what AWS calls a "virtual machine." Even if you say "create a server", AWS does not physically prepare all the servers. Actually, it uses software called "virtual machine" and uses a mechanism that can virtually use one Linux server.

Log in to your AWS account, and when you reach the top page, select "EC2" from "Services" in the upper left. Image from Gyazo

Click "Launch Instance" Image from Gyazo

Then select something called "AMI". AMI is an abbreviation for "Amazon Machine Image" and is data that stores the entire server data. Some of them have "OS" installed in advance, so you can reduce the trouble of installing various tools from scratch.

Select "Amazon Linux 2 AMI" Image from Gyazo

Then select "EC2 Instance Type" This time, select "t2.micro" that can be used in the free frame and click "Confirm and create" Image from Gyazo

After the screen transition, click "Start" at the bottom right

Next, download a "key pair". A key pair is a "private key" that you need to log in to your instance.

Select "Create new key pair" and enter the name of the key pair Then click "Download Key Pair" Image from Gyazo

When the key pair download was completed, it was in a state where it could not be clicked "Create Instance" is changed so that it can be clicked. Click on it to create an EC2 instance. Then, the screen will change to the completion screen.

Click "View Instances" at the bottom right to return to the "Instance List Screen". Copy the created "instance ID" and make a note of it in a memo app. Image from Gyazo

Ready to start the server

The IP address is automatically assigned to the "EC2 instance" created earlier, but The disadvantage is that this public IP changes every time you restart the server.

"Elastic IP" solves this problem.

Elastic IP is a fixed "public IP address" assigned by AWS. By associating this public IP address with an EC2 instance, regardless of whether the instance is started or stopped It is possible to always communicate with the same IP address.

Click "Elastic IP" from "Network Security" on the left side, and click Click "Assign Elastic IP Address" in the upper right Image from Gyazo

Select "Amazon's IPv4 address pool when the screen changes" and click "Assign"

Next, associate the "acquired Elastic IP address" with the "EC2 instance".

Click Actions in the upper right and select Associate Elastic IP Address [Image from Gyazo] (

When the screen changes, select the instance you noted earlier in the instance search window. Leave "Private IP Address" blank and click "Associate" at the bottom right Image from Gyazo.

Return to the instance list screen again and check that the "Elastic IP" of the created instance is set. "Elastic IP" is set at the bottom right of the image. Image from Gyazo

Change EC2 instance settings

The EC2 instance you just launched can be accessed with "ssh", No other connections, such as HTTP, are connected. Therefore, the EC2 instance used as a server is It is necessary to open the "port" so that HTTP can be connected in advance.

"Ssh" is used when you want to work in a remote server. You can securely communicate with remote servers using encryption and authentication technologies.

Set security group port

Select the created instance from the EC2 instance list screen and select it. Click the "Security Group" link ("launch-wizard-1" in the figure) Image from Gyazo

Since it will transition to the setting screen of the security group to which the instance belongs, Check "launch-wizard-1" displayed in the security group. Click "Inbound Rules" and then click "Edit Inbound Rules" in the upper right. Image from Gyazo

The page will switch, so click "Add Rule" Select "HTTP" as the type and check the information such as the port number. Select "0.0.0./0" from the magnifying glass mark next to the custom. After selecting, select ":: / 0" from the magnifying glass again.

Finally, press "Save Rule" at the bottom right to complete the port opening

Log in to your EC2 instance

When you create an EC2 instance, an ssh private key corresponding to the user "ec2-user" is generated.

Execute the following command in the terminal

% cd ~
% mkdir ~/.ssh

# .Create a directory called ssh
#Even if you get an error saying File exists.ssh directory exists
% mv Downloads/The name of the downloaded key.pem .ssh/

#Use the mv command to download the pem file from the download directory..Move to ssh directory
#The "Downloaded key name" part is "~" from the download folder in Finder..Find the file "pem" and replace it with the name of the "~" part
% cd .ssh/
% ls

#Check if the pem file exists
%chmod 600 The name of the downloaded key.pem

#Search for "name of downloaded key" from the download folder
% ssh -i Downloaded key name.pem ec2-user@Elastic IP associated with the created EC2 instance

#Check the "Elastic IP associated with the created EC2 instance" from the AWS instance

When you execute the ssh connection (the following command), the following message may be displayed, but enter "yes" and execute it.

EC2 Amazon Linux AMI

If it is displayed as big, it is successful.

Installation of tools required for configuration

First, use a command called the yum command to update the original program on this server.

The "yum command" is a software management mechanism in Linux that plays the same role as homebrew for MacOS. By using the yum command, you can manage the version of the program under the control of yum, You can update all at once.

A "package" is a set of programs that have a certain role / function under the Linux OS. Also called "software" or "library".

Execute the following command in the terminal (in EC2) to update the package

[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ sudo yum -y update

Next, install various other packages necessary for environment construction (long to the right)

[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ sudo yum  -y install git make gcc-c++ patch libyaml-devel libffi-devel libicu-devel zlib-devel readline-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel openssl-devel libcurl libcurl-devel curl

-y is attached. The "-y option" is an option for the yum command. Execute the command with the setting "Answer all questions automatically with Yes". With commands such as yum install, is it really okay to install? y / n is a question, so you can omit it.

Next, install Node.js to run JavaScript on EC2.

"Node.js" is a JavaScript package that runs on the server side. It will be used when compressing CSS and images in the work for future deployment.

Execute the following command in the terminal (in EC2)

[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ sudo curl -sL | sudo bash -
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ sudo yum -y install nodejs

Preparing to run applications with Rails version 6.0 or later

You need to install Yarn to run applications with Rails version 6.0 or later.

Execute the following command in the terminal (in EC2)

[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ sudo yum -y install wget
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ sudo yum -y install yarn

Install rbenv and ruby-build

These need to be installed before installing Ruby, Tools to use in combination when managing Ruby versions

Execute the following command in the terminal (in EC2)

#① Install rbenv
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ git clone ~/.rbenv 

#② Pass through
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile 

#③ Description for calling rbenv
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

# ④.bash_Load profile
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ source .bash_profile

# ⑤ruby-install build
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build

#⑥ Perform rehash
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ rbenv rehash 

Command role ① Clone "rbenv" from git ② & ③ Commands required to pass the path ④ Read the set path ⑤ Clone "ruby-build" from git ⑥ Commands required to enable gem commands in the version of Ruby you are using

Install Ruby

The commands to be executed below are "Version of Ruby to install" "The version of Ruby you are using in your application" Please change accordingly.

Here, we will install "2.6.5".

Execute the following command in the terminal (in EC2)

# Ruby 2.6.Install version 5
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ rbenv install 2.6.5

#Decide which version of Ruby to use within your EC2 instance
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ rbenv global 2.6.5

#Do rehash
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ rbenv rehash  

#Check Ruby version
[ec2-user@ip-***-**-**-*** ~]$ ruby -v 

that's all. Thank you for your hard work.

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