Watershed method in 3D images using ImageJ


In recent years, it has become easier to acquire 3D images, but the image processing libraries used for 3D images are not substantial. This time, I wanted to use a watershed method for 3D images, so I searched for it, and found that a plug-in for image processing software Fiji (Fiji is just imageJ) had a function for performing 3D morphology operations. So I tried it. From the following, we have summarized the introduction method and how to use the function.


Plug-in introduction

Download MorphoLibJ 1.3.1.jar from https://github.com/ijpb/MorphoLibJ/releases. To install with GUI, open Fiji and drag and drop the downloaded file. If you install from the terminal, you can put MorphoLibJ_-1.3.1.jar under /Applications/Fiji.app/plugins/. See below for the documentation for this plugin. http://imagej.net/MorphoLibJ#Watershed_segmentation


First, I created the following image on python, which is used as an example of using the function.

import numpy as np
import skimage.io as skimage
img = np.zeros((100, 100, 100))
for i in range(100):
    for j in range(100):
       for k in range(100):
          if (i - 40)**2 + (j - 40)**2 + (k - 40)**2 < 400:
             img[i][j][k] = 255
          if (i - 60)**2 + (j - 60)**2 + (k - 60)**2 < 900:
             img[i][j][k] = 255
skimage.imsave('example.tif', img.astype(uint8))


From here, we will summarize examples of function usage using this image. Visualize also uses the Plugin's 3D Viewer.

Distance Tranceform Watershed 3D

Plugin > MorphoLibJ > Binary Images > Distance Transform Watershed 3D


This time, the result of executing with the option specified in the above figure is shown below.


Image values are labeled for each object. However, in this state, it is difficult to see the difference even if visualized, so the function that performs color labeling will be described next.

Labels to RGB

Plugin > MorphoLibJ > Label images > Labels to RGB


Personally, it is good that the golden angle is prepared in the color map. The result of executing with the option specified in the above figure is shown below.


It can be seen that when two objects are originally merged, the area is divided by watershed.


I tried to quantitatively verify how appropriate the divided objects are.

object volume[voxel] 元のvolume[voxel] Percentage[%]
Green 31922 33493 95.31
Blue 104973 113040 92.86

At this time, the original volume represents a value obtained by calculating the volume from the radius determined when the image was created. The ratio was calculated from $ \ frac {volume} {original volume} \ times 100 $.

From this result, it can be seen that the objects are not divided into either object. Distance Transform Watershed In 3D, Distance is the parameter that most affects the division accuracy, but it may be better to use the ratio obtained here as one of the indexes when optimizing this parameter.

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