[JAVA] Intent-filter does not respond with callback URL of Twitter OAuth authentication

Twitter OAuth authentication callback doesn't bring control back to my app I was addicted to it, so I made a note.

On the Twitter app registration page, Because it says that the callback URL must start with http: // or https: // At first, I tried various URLs that do not exist or exist, intent-filter did not respond.

In fact, the callback URL is

** ”Original schema: //” **

Registration is also accepted with the syntax.

Callback URL zanapp://

next, AndroidManifest.xml android: host and callback URL host Neither, I tried it with the setting, but it still does not respond.

Therefore, In the source code of the app I added ** host ** (test) to the schema of the callback URL.

(Android: host in AndroidManifest.xml and host in the callback URL There are both, and the settings. )


mRequestToken = mTwitter.getOAuthRequestToken(zanapp://test);


	<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
	<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
	<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
		android:scheme="zanapp" />

Now with a callback from your browser's Twitter authentication ** Control returns to the app **.

Does intent-filter not respond unless it is a unique schema? ?? ?? I'm not sure why.

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