Let's encrypt installation procedure (Oracle Linux, RHEL, Centos7)

スクリーンショット 2020-10-18 19.15.03.png Let's encrypt seems to be the standard if you want to easily SSL, but it was written that the procedure is different in each place than I thought I would try, so I made a note of the procedure I tried. The environment at hand is Oracle Linux 7.8.

Reference URL

This is the official website of let's encrypt. https://letsencrypt.org/ja/getting-started/

It seems better to set it using a tool called certbot. https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/centosrhel7-apache

If you select the software used for the web server and the OS, it will tell you how to set it.

Install Certbot

It says to install Certbot using a package management tool called snap, but it didn't work so I usually install it with yum.

# yum install certbot python-certbot-apache


Set. It seems that it can be set only with this.

# sudo certbot --apache

Check by actually hitting the URL.

スクリーンショット 2020-10-18 19.15.03.png

It is SSL-enabled.

Certificate renewal

If this is left as it is, the deadline is set to 3 months, so you need to renew it manually.

Test if the certificate is renewed with this command. It seems that you can test by adding --dry-run.

# sudo certbot renew --dry-run

When actually updating

# sudo certbot renew

Is used. It is more convenient to update automatically, so set it automatically with cron.

I hope you find it helpful.

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