[RAILS] Summary of folders where Ruby, Python, PostgreSQL, etc. are installed on macOS (updated from time to time)

I tried to find out where various things are installed on Ruby & macOS


Overview of folder structure of macOS itself

~ #=> /Users/user_name

Folder location


Ruby installed via rbenv

/usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/1.1.1    #rbenv body
/Users/user_name/.rbenv/versions #Ruby

System Ruby



Ruby Gem installed via rbenv


System Ruby Gem



/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.6.3 #PostgreSQL body
/usr/local/var/postgres/base       #DB file location


Python installed via pyenv

/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/1.1.3    #pyenv body
/Users/user_name/.pyenv/versions #Python

System Python


To investigate in the future

Where Ruby is installed

Why is Ruby installed via rbenv installed in /usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/1.1.0/versions? There is also a page that says it will be installed in /Users/user_name/.rbenv/versions. Addendum: Because RBENV_ROOT is set to / usr / local / opt / rbenv. However, I don't remember setting it, and I'm investigating where it was set. Basically, it seems better to install it in the default /Users/user_name/.rbenv/versions (What is rbenv rehash doing? See / 02 / rbenv_rehash_what_it_does.html). Addendum 2: It seems that it is due to the setting of the plugin file /Users/user_name/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/rbenv/rbenv.plugin.zsh of oh-my-zsh. It seems that it will be fixed if this PR is merged (Related: Issue # 3093 / oh-my-zsh/issues/3093), PR # 3808, [PR # 4384](https://github .com / robyrussell / oh-my-zsh / pull / 4384), Issue # 4998, PR # 6168 //github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/pull/6168)). Addendum 3: Editing the above plugin file as per PR does not work, so I decided not to use the rbenv plugin of oh-my-zsh and reinstalled Ruby, as recommended. It became a movement.


How to check the path of gems referenced by Ruby and installed gems Building Rails development environment (multiple versions can coexist) (Homebrew edition) How does rbenv + ruby-build work Building postgreSQL Basic usage of rbenv and bundler What is rbenv rehash doing? The best way to coexist Python 3.x and 2.x on Mac Use oh-my-zsh to bring together useful zsh settings

(Reference) Ubuntu folder structure (under construction)


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