[This article is in the process of being written and will be updated! ]
Previously, in "Test Driven Development Startup with PySide & Pytest", I summarized the method of PySide + pytest, but I did the following Was there.
First, in conftest.py, register the following as fixture,
def base_window():
app = QApplication()
mainWindow = QMainWindow()
return mainWindow
In the test, use it to smoke test the widget
def test_addWidget(base_widget):
from MyCustomPySideLib,QCustomWidgets import QMyWidget
tagWidget = QMyWidget()
I was doing that, but I found out that some people seem to offer another method.
You can simulate this with pytest-qt. pytest-qt is treated as pytest plugins.
Installation can be done with pip.
pip install pytest-qt
When I rewrite the first test code using pytest-qt, it looks like this.
def test_addWidget(qtbot):
from MyCustomPySideLib,QCustomWidgets import QMyWidget
myWidget = QMyWidget()