I decided to introduce a Progress Bar to tell the count app currently under development how much it is to reach the goal. In this article, I will output what I tried at that time.
・ MBCircularProgressBar →https://github.com/MatiBot/MBCircularProgressBar
Install SwiftConfettiView using CocoaPods.
pod "MBCircularProgressBar"
Enter the above in the Podfile and pod install
var number: Float = 0
var paersent: Float!
var targetNumber: Float!
@IBOutlet weak var targetNumberTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var countNumberLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var progressView: MBCircularProgressBarView!
Declare variables and associate parts.
@IBAction func countButton(_ sender: Any) {
//Get the target number of times
targetNumber = Float(targetNumberTextField.text!)
//Add 1 to number
number += 1
//Display the number obtained by adding 1 to number
countNumberLabel.text = "\(number)"
//Calculate percentage
paersent = number / targetNumber * 100
//Show percentage
progressView.value = CGFloat(paersent)
Processing when the countButton is pressed.
@IBAction func resetButton(_ sender: Any)
number = 0
progressView.value = CGFloat(number)
Processing when the resetButton is pressed.
This time, we set a target number of times and visualized how much it was left as a percentage. The library can also customize bar colors and more. Please refer to the following URL for customization.
・ MBCircularProgressBar →https://github.com/MatiBot/MBCircularProgressBar -[IOS] [Swift] MBCircularProgressBar realizes a circular progress bar! →https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/mbcircularprogressbar/ -Circular progress bar implementation (MBCircularProgressBar) →https://qiita.com/Walkdream24/items/440b1c2757048b340920
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