Define a task to set the fabric env in YAML

Tasks for environment definition

One way to define the server configuration by role in fabric is to define a task that specifies a host list in ʻenv.roledefs`.

def env_test():
    u'''Test settings'''
    env.roledefs = {
        "web": ["www.test"],
        "db" : ["db.test"]

def env_production():
    u'''Production settings'''
    env.roledefs = {
        "web": ["www01","www02"],
        "db" : ["db01"]

However, it is a bit redundant, so I tried to generate it automatically from YAML.

YAML version


        web: [www.test]
        db: [db.test]
        web: [www01, www02]
        db: [db01]

Define a helper that reads data and creates tasks like this. (Reference:


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os, time
import yaml
from fabric.api import env,task

def load_env_from_yaml(yaml_file, namespace):
    u'''Create an execution environment task from a yaml file'''
    if os.path.exists(yaml_file):
        env_data = yaml.safe_load(open(yaml_file).read())
        for env_name, env_dict in env_data.items():
            __create_env_task(env_name, env_dict, namespace)
        print('No {0} found. skipped.'.format(yaml_file))

def __create_env_task(env_name, env_dict, namespace):
    u'''Execution environment task definition'''

    f = lambda: env.update(env_dict)
    f.__doc__ = u'''Set environment for {0}'''.format(env_name)

    task_name = 'env_{0}'.format(env_name)
    wrapper = task(name=task_name)
    rand = '%d' % (time.time() * 100000)
    namespace['task_%s_%s' % (task_name, rand)] = wrapper(f)

Read and use with

import os
from helper.yaml_loader import load_env_from_yaml

# Execute fabric at directory.
__fabric_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Load Environments
load_env_from_yaml('env.yaml', globals())

Note that the task cannot be used unless globals () is passed from the fabfile.


--Exception handling --Allow task_name and task_description to be defined for readability. ――Is there a key that should not be used in ʻenv`? (However, it can be written by the above method)

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