Revit Dynamo Super Introduction Starting from the Basics-Basic Knowledge / Environment-


This article is about Dynamo, the VPL for Autodesk Revit, ** as a memorandum ** and ** architecture about what I personally work on and some or abstractions of what I work on internally. I am writing this in the hope that it will contribute to the development of ICT technology utilization in the industry. I will create it as a series that deals with introductory content in particular, but sometimes I may start doing difficult things, so please point out and ask questions in that case.

Also, the people who are reading this article are probably those who are doing work related to architecture.

I think there are various motivations. Here, I will explain from the basic story for those who have never done visual programming.

About Revit Dynamo

First of all, I will briefly explain what Revit Dynamo is covered in this article.

Officially speaking, `" Dynamo is a graphical programming interface that allows you to customize your building information workflow. "` To give you a very rough explanation, think of it as ** "a tool that lets your computer perform operations that you don't want to do manually using BIM information" **.

There are many things you can do, such as automating repetitive tasks and alerting you when there is a problem with a rule such as a law.

There is no point in taking the time to explain the basics, so let's go steadily (for more information, please refer to here etc. Masu).

Start Dynamo

Dynamo is installed when you install Autodesk Revit, so you don't need to do any individual installation work.

To launch it, click the ``` Administration tab> Visual Programming panel> Dynamo` ``.


Then Dynamo will start and the home screen will be displayed, so let's create a new Dynamo project by creating a new one. 2.png

Dynamo interface

When you create a new project, the following screen will appear (although it is not colored ...). 3.png

It's a very concise UI. It should be easy to understand. There are two things to note:

(2) Library: A block of functions called a node is stored. (3) Workspace: A place to place nodes and create a program flow.

If you sort it out a little, it looks like the figure below. It is an image of drawing a picture on a canvas called a workspace using a paint called a node. (It is a delicate point whether the library is a palette, but considering that you purchase and use the paints you want to use among the commercially available paints, this may be fine.)


Dynamo version

Next, regarding the version of Dynamo, if you want to check the version of Dynamo you are currently using, you can check it from `" Menu bar ">" Help ">" Version information " `. I can do it.



It seems that the specification change of Dynamo has settled down recently (as of December 2019), but in the past, it often happened that the program I made stopped working immediately due to the change. Those who started working after writing this article may not need to worry too much, but please check the version you are using (the version in my environment is as shown above).

next time

The content is thin, but it seems that the future will be long, so I will give it up next time. From the next time, I will explain while actually creating a simple program.

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