A class that creates DB creation-data insertion with SQLite3 quickly


When you want to create a DB as a test at work I made it because I wanted a class that I could make right away. It's troublesome to make it every time ... It takes time and effort. Mostly for myself.

What is this class?

DB name, table name, column name, data to be inserted It is a class that creates a DB and shows the data as soon as it is ready.

Click here for source code


import sqlite3

class Create_DB(object):

	def __init__(self,db_name,tb_name,col_names):
		self.db_name = db_name
		self.tb_name = tb_name
		self.cl_name = ",".join(col_names)

	#Create a table with DB.
	def create_db(self):
		conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_name)
		curs = conn.cursor()
		sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+ self.tb_name + " ("+ self.cl_name + ")"

	#Put the data in the table.
	def insert_data(self,insert_col_names,datas):
		conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_name)
		curs = conn.cursor()

		col_name = ",".join(insert_col_names)
		sql = "INSERT INTO "+ self.tb_name + " VALUES("+ col_name + ")" 

	#View data
	def show_all_data(self):
		conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_name)
		curs = conn.cursor()

		sql = "SELECT * FROM " + self.tb_name 

		for row in curs.fetchall():


if __name__ == '__main__':
	db_name = "sample.db"
	tb_name = "sample_table"
	col_names = ["sample text","sample2 text"]#In the list
	insert_col_names = [":sample",":sample2"]#Add ":".
	datas = [("AIUEO",1),("Kakikukeko",2)]

	db_instance = Create_DB(db_name,tb_name,col_names) 

that's all.

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