[CENTOS] Roughly systemctl command

Roughly what is systemctl ...

A command that manages services.

By the way, the target service name may or may not be entered as ~ .service.

Example ↓ is the same for both systemctl status httpd systemctl status httpd.service

Roughly reflect the systemctl command immediately, automatically start it, and check the status.

1. Immediate reflection system


$systemctl start service name
$systemctl stop service name
$systemctl restart service name


$systemctl reload service name
$systemctl kill service name

2. Automatic start system

--Enable automatic service startup.

$systemctl enable service name

--Disable automatic service startup.

$systemctl disable service name

3. Status confirmation system

--Check the service status

$systemctl status service name

--Check service details

$systemctl show service name

--Check if active

$ systemctl is-active service name

--Check the settings for automatic startup

$ systemctl is-enabled service name

--List of all services

$ systemctl list-units --all

--List of active services

$ systemctl list-units --type=service

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