--Reference page --Download link --How to use
-Dataset creation support tool for object recognition (Faster R-CNN or SSD -[Try using Python Tkinter](https://qiita.com/nnahito/items/ad1428a30738b3d93762#tkinter%E3%81%A7%E8%A1%A8%E7%8F%BE%E3%81%A7 % E3% 81% 8D% E3% 82% 8B% E3% 81% 93% E3% 81% A8) -You can do it with copy and paste! Tkinter -[Python] Specify the range from the image by dragging the mouse
Operating environment: Ubuntu18.04, Ubuntu20.04
Basically, the libraries used are standard modules other than pyautogui and PIL, so they can be used without installation. puautogui and PIL can be installed with the pip command, so execute pip install as appropriate.
This time, I saved it on the desktop with the file name editor.py, so on the terminal, execute cd desktop → python editor.py.
Click the [Open] button at the bottom right.
Select an image file from the file dialog.
The selected image is displayed.
A red frame is created by dragging and dropping on the displayed image. The red frame can be moved up, down, left and right with the arrow keys.
Enter the object name (train this time) in the text box labeled [object] on the right, and press the [Save] button below to display the blue frame and the entered object name in the image. At this point, the train in the image was labeled "train".
Objects in other images can be renamed and labeled in the same way.
Click the [Out] button below to display the file dialog, where you can specify the save destination.
All created files are saved as .xml.