After acquiring the AR coefficient by LPC, I tried to drive it with white noise. I feel that my voice has become like a robot (?). Also, if you change the driving noise, you should get a different voice quality.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import wave
import urllib2
import getopt
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import linalg, signal
from scikits.talkbox.linpred.levinson_lpc import lpc
if __name__ == "__main__":
optlist, argv = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 's:l:o:w:')
frameLength = 512
stepWidth = 256
lpcOrder = 32
chunk = 44100 * 5
for opt, val in optlist:
if( opt == '-s' ):
chunk = int( val )
elif( opt == '-w' ):
stepWidth = int( val )
elif( opt == '-l'):
frameLength = int( val )
elif( opt == '-o' ):
lpcOrder = int( val )
argc = len( argv )
if( 0 < argc ):
if( argc == 2 ):
inFileName, outFileName = argv
elif( argc == 1 ):
inFileName = argv[0]
outFileName = 'out.wav'
wo = inFileName, 'rb' )
outFileName = 'out.wav'
url = ''
wo = wave.openfp( urllib2.urlopen( url ).fp, 'rb' )
data = sp.fromstring( wo.readframes( chunk ), sp.int16 )
blockData = sp.linalg.toeplitz( data[ frameLength:], data[:frameLength] )[::stepWidth, :]
lpcCoef, lpcError, k = lpc( blockData, lpcOrder )
excitationSignal = sp.random.randn( frameLength )
rows, cols = lpcCoef.shape
responseSignal = sp.zeros( ( rows, frameLength ) )
synthesisSignal = sp.array( [0] * ( rows * stepWidth + frameLength ) )
weight = sp.sin( 2 * sp.pi * sp.r_[0:frameLength] / frameLength )
for i in range( rows ):
G = sp.sqrt( lpcError[ i ] )
responseSignal[i, :] = sp.signal.lfilter( [G], lpcCoef[ i, :], excitationSignal )
synthesisSignal[ i * stepWidth:i * stepWidth + frameLength ] += weight * responseSignal[ i, :]
outputSignal = sp.int16( synthesisSignal ).tostring()
wo = outFileName, 'wb')
params = ( 1, 2, 44100, len( synthesisSignal),'NONE','none')
wo.setparams( params )
wo.writeframes( outputSignal )
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