Problems and solutions while creating index.html.erb in RubyOnRails 4 on Windows 10

Problems and solutions while creating index.html.erb in RubyOnRails 4 on Windows 10

When creating an index.html.erb file in views with the bin / rails ... command A window "Choose how to open this file" will open and share the solution when the index.html.erb file is not created.


--System type: Windows10 Home 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor --Rails version 4 series


  1. Execute the bin / rails generate controller welcome index command.

  2. The window "Choose how to open this file" opens. スクリーンショット 2020-10-30 130959.png


  1. Execute the rails ... command instead of bin / rails .... Example: rails generate controller welcome index

You can see that the index.html.erb file has been created. スクリーンショット 2020-10-30 140026.png


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