Java abstract modifier [Note]

Studying for Java SE 8 exam ... (´- `) If you try to memorize everything, you will not understand it immediately, so I will write it as a memorandum to deepen my understanding of the contents ...

You can't use this and this together ... don't try to remember. I don't remember. (Self-discipline)

■ There is no such thing as final abstract

Speaking of final, it cannot be rewritten. ~~ I remember VHS that can't be overwritten when I take the claws ... w ~~ ** Override ** You can't do that.

Speaking of abstract, it is abstract. The contents have not been decided yet. That's why you can't use it unless you ** override ** the method in the child class.

So "It's ** abstract **, but if you set it to ** final **, you can't ** override **." That's right.

■ There is no such thing as static abstract

abstract is as mentioned above It's a method that can't be used ** unless it's overridden because it hasn't been decided yet. Classes with abstract cannot be new because they have not been decided yet. The method with abstract means that it cannot be used unless it is overridden because it has not been decided yet.

static is the one that becomes a ** usable ** member without instantiation, that is, without new.

So "I haven't decided yet ** abstract **, but if I add ** static **, I can use it." That's right.

If you understand the meaning of each modifier You don't need to remember something like this and this can't be used together.

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