[RUBY] [For those who create portfolios] Search function created with ransack

What is ransack

A gem that allows you to easily implement search functionality with less code. It's easy to set up and there are many things you can do.

Introduction method


gem 'ransack'
$ bundle install

How to use

① The search parameter is ": q" ②Ransack version form_for is "search_form_for" ③ Search results can be obtained by "result method"


class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @q = Product.ransack(params[:q])
    @products = @q.result(distinct: true)


<%= search_form_for @q do |f| %>
  #Partial match search is possible for the name column
  <%= f.label :name_cont, "Including product name" %>
  <%= f.search_field :name_cont %>

  <div class="actions"><%= f.submit "Search" %></div>
<% end %>

You can change a different search by simply changing the name in f.search_field: name_cont.

retrieval method meaning
*_eq equal
*_cont Partial Match
*_lteq Less than
*_gteq that's all
*_start Starts with
*_end end with

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