What to do when booting Ubuntu on WSL2 and getting "Process terminated with code 1"

I'll explain the cause later, but I couldn't find a solution, so I gave up and tried to reinstall the distribution. I found it, so I'll record it.


Log in as root from Powershell with the following command, and change the login shell of the default user to/bin/bash.

wsl -u root
chsh -s <user_name>

You can now log in with bash.


In homebrew (linuxbrew), I used zsh as a login shell, but when I was playing with homebrew, zsh was uninstalled. I searched a lot and found wsl sudo <command> from Powershel, but I couldn't fix it by hitting it.

When I was looking at the Official Documentation (https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/wsl/wsl-config#unregister-and-reinstall-a-distribution) to reinstall, I'm glad there was a "Run as Specific User" section just below.

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