[JAVA] Try the training online (it looks like self-study support)

Since it is a typhoon, the training will be conducted online experimentally.

Advance preparation

As part of the training, if you want to use Qiita, start by reading the Qiita guidelines. Community Guidelines-Qiita: Support

Challenges implemented (revised edition)

  1. Post an article that I tried using DokoJava.
  2. Anyone can like it.
  3. Delete the article that I tried using DokoJava. (Because it is a practice of posting, if you like it, delete it. If you want to keep it, go to your personal blog.)
  4. Do 100-150 pages of clean Java that suits your skill level and post a summary and impressions. (Include the relevant page)
  5. sfujikawa makes a comment.
  6. React (update the article) to sfujikawa's comment.


――For 8/8, use 100 to 150 pages as a guide. ――If you arrive at the office on 8/9 in the afternoon, it is equivalent to 300 pages. (Only a guide)


――Because it's the first time, don't worry too much about markdown notation and layout. ――Issue 2 should be the result of putting Eclipse, NetBeans, or IDE on your own PC and running it. ――If you decide to write, you can write your questions (including how to use Qiita). ――Rather than writing an article after calling 100%, write an article while reading and coding. ――You can post the article in the middle without posting it after it is completed. You can edit it later.


--It was pointed out to read the guidelines in haste (see comments below). I certainly didn't read it! Gununu ――Qiita is not used to communicate how to proceed, such as issues and deadlines. Use Qiita as an output of the results you learned (Guidelines: Do not post anything other than programming) ――If the output is the result of the same task, the result will be similar, so the tasks should be different. (Guidelines: Increase the value of existing articles)

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