Throw GQL with a numeric ID from the App Engine management screen


When viewing the Google App Engine Datastore on the management screen, is a method to throw GQL with a numerical ID like


 When throwing from Python, you can easily get it by using ``` Model.get_by_id ()` ``.
 Using a numerical ID on the management screen
```select * from hogemodel where id = 12345;```
 Even if I try to do it like this, it doesn't work.

 After searching for the correct GQL method, the following method seems to be correct.

```select * from hogemodel where __key__ = key('hogemodel', 12345)```

 Since the property ___key___ is included in the KEY type,
 It seems that it is necessary to search by aligning with the Key type even in GQL.
 It's a little annoying to have to enter the Model name twice.


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