Since RHEL8.2 came out, various confirmations Reference: 8 \ .3 Release Notes Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 \ | Red Hat Customer Portal
Rolling Application Streams at Retired Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Rolling Application Streams -Red Hat Customer Portal It seems that Life Cycle has begun to be announced. (I don't think it was before)
Installed on Hyper-V with a verification subscription
# yum update -y
# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.3 (Ootpa)
# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
VERSION="8.3 (Ootpa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 (Ootpa)"
REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8"
REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
You can see the newly added nodejs 14, nginx 1.18, perl 5.30, php 7.4, ruby 2.7
# yum module list
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:12:32 ago on Fri 06 Nov 2020 08:44:57 AM EST.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs)
Name Stream Profiles Summary
389-ds 1.4 389 Directory Server (base)
ant 1.10 [d] common [d] Java build tool
container-tools rhel8 [d] common [d] Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes
container-tools 1.0 common [d] Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes
container-tools 2.0 common [d] Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes
eclipse rhel8 c, everything, java An open, extensible IDE and application platform
freeradius 3.0 [d] server [d] High-performance and highly configurable free RADIUS serv
gimp 2.8 [d] common [d], devel gimp module
go-toolset rhel8 [d] common [d] Go
httpd 2.4 [d] common [d], devel, m Apache HTTP Server
idm DL1 adtrust, client, com The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management system m
mon [d], dns, server odule
idm client [d] common [d] RHEL IdM long term support client module
inkscape 0.92.3 [d] common [d] Vector-based drawing program using SVG
javapackages-runtime 201801 [d] common [d] Basic runtime utilities to support Java applications
jmc rhel8 [d] common [d], core Java Mission Control is a profiling and diagnostics tool
for the Hotspot JVM
libselinux-python 2.8 common Python 2 bindings for libselinux
llvm-toolset rhel8 [d] common [d] LLVM
mailman 2.1 [d] common [d] Electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists managin
g software
mariadb 10.3 [d] client, galera, serv MariaDB Module
er [d]
maven 3.5 [d] common [d] Java project management and project comprehension tool
maven 3.6 common [d] Java project management and project comprehension tool
mercurial 4.8 [d] common [d] Mercurial -- a distributed SCM
mod_auth_openidc 2.3 Apache module suporting OpenID Connect authentication
mysql 8.0 [d] client, server [d] MySQL Module
nginx 1.14 [d] common [d] nginx webserver
nginx 1.16 common [d] nginx webserver
nginx 1.18 common [d] nginx webserver
nodejs 10 [d] common [d], developm Javascript runtime
ent, minimal, s2i
nodejs 12 common [d], developm Javascript runtime
ent, minimal, s2i
nodejs 14 common [d], developm Javascript runtime
ent, minimal, s2i
parfait 0.5 common Parfait Module
perl 5.24 common [d], minimal Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl 5.26 [d] common [d], minimal Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl 5.30 common [d], minimal Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-App-cpanminus 1.7044 [d] common [d] Get, unpack, build and install CPAN modules
perl-DBD-MySQL 4.046 [d] common [d] A MySQL interface for Perl
perl-DBD-Pg 3.7 [d] common [d] A PostgreSQL interface for Perl
perl-DBD-SQLite 1.58 [d] common [d] SQLite DBI driver
perl-DBI 1.641 [d] common [d] A database access API for Perl
perl-FCGI 0.78 [d] common [d] FastCGI Perl bindings
perl-IO-Socket-SSL 2.066 [d] common [d] Perl library for transparent TLS
perl-YAML 1.24 [d] common [d] Perl parser for YAML
perl-libwww-perl 6.34 [d] common [d] A Perl interface to the World-Wide Web
php 7.2 [d] common [d], devel, m PHP scripting language
php 7.3 common [d], devel, m PHP scripting language
php 7.4 common [d], devel, m PHP scripting language
pki-core 10.6 PKI Core module for PKI 10.6 or later
pki-deps 10.6 PKI Dependencies module for PKI 10.6 or later
postgresql 9.6 client, server [d] PostgreSQL server and client module
postgresql 10 [d] client, server [d] PostgreSQL server and client module
postgresql 12 client, server [d] PostgreSQL server and client module
python27 2.7 [d] common [d] Python programming language, version 2.7
python36 3.6 [d] build, common [d] Python programming language, version 3.6
python38 3.8 [d] build, common [d] Python programming language, version 3.8
redis 5 [d] common [d] Redis persistent key-value database
rhn-tools 1.0 [d] common [d] Red Hat Satellite 5 tools for RHEL
ruby 2.5 [d] common [d] An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
ruby 2.6 common [d] An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
ruby 2.7 common [d] An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
rust-toolset rhel8 [d] common [d] Rust
satellite-5-client 1.0 [d][e] common [d], gui Red Hat Satellite 5 client packages
scala 2.10 [d] common [d] A hybrid functional/object-oriented language for the JVM
squid 4 [d] common [d] Squid - Optimising Web Delivery
subversion 1.10 [d] common [d], server Apache Subversion
swig 3.0 [d] common [d], complete Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming
varnish 6 [d] common [d] Varnish HTTP cache
virt rhel [d] common [d] Virtualization module
Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled