[JAVA] Check the operation using jetty with Maven.


When checking the operation of dynamic files using eclipse, it only works on that terminal. So, use jetty to check the operation. Also, personally, the maven project in eclipse has a different directory structure, which is annoying.


Edit pom.xml

Add the following plugins.

              <connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

Run jetty.

Do the following in the command line:

mvn jetty:run

Connect to localhost.

Access http: // localhost: 8080.


Sometimes jetty didn't work. It took a long time to isolate whether pom.xml is bad, the terminal is bad, or the plugin is bad. As a result, it is better to set up a container for build and check it each time, and I think it is good because there is no dependency problem.

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