Examine the (hidden?) Options for Maya | commands

Maya has a script reference, but it doesn't have all the command options. (Example: polySeparate)

You can see a list of all options by passing the name of the command you want to look up to the help command.

import maya.cmds as cmds

print cmds.help("polySeparate")

When I run the above in Maya's script editor, I get the following:

wrap up: polySeparate [flags] [String...]
   -e -edit
   -q -query
 -cch -caching                on|off
  -ch -constructionHistory    on|off
 -fzn -frozen                 on|off
   -n -name                   String
 -nds -nodeState              Int
   -o -object                 on|off
  -rs -removeShells           on|off
 -sss -separateSpecificShell  Int (multi-use)

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