[RUBY] [rails] Hide navbar and header only on TOP page


An event that stumbled while making an original app on rails. The part surrounded by the red frame below was called as a partial template. スクリーンショット 2020-10-14 21.51.51.png

The top page has the following structure, and I don't want to call the header, so I was wondering what to do. スクリーンショット 2020-10-14 21.47.49.png

How to call a partial template

Since I want to display all headers other than the top page, I render the partial template with ʻapplication.html.erb`.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <%= render "shared/header" %> <%#I'm calling the header here.
    <%= yield %>
    <%= render "shared/footer" %>

I tried to divide the case by current_page?

This article If the current page is not the top page (root_path), I tried not to call the partial template.


  <% unless current_page?(root_path) %> <%#If the current page is root with unless, do not call
    <%= render "shared/header" %>
  <% end %>
  <%= yield %>
  <%= render "shared/footer" %>


When specifying the page to call the partial template, listed on the controller Fire a page called by JavaScript, there seems to be various means In my case, only one page is hidden, so I thought this method would be better.

If you have any reason why this method is not recommended, please let us know.

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