Background I will introduce the inpaint function that exists only in C ++, following I erased the object using image repair (inpaint) (OpenCV: Python).
I summarized it roughly in the table.
inpaint type | year | python | include | library | thesis | note |
Navier Stokes-Stokes) method | 2001 | ○ | #include <opencv2/photo.hpp> |
opencv_photo |
Navier-stokes, fluid dynamics, and image and video inpainting | Algorithm based on fluid mechanics |
Method by Alexandru Telea | 2004 | ○ | #include <opencv2/photo.hpp> |
opencv_photo |
An image inpainting technique based on the fast marching method. | An algorithm based on the Fast Marching Method that gradually repairs scratches inward from the boundary of the area |
Patch Offset method | 2012 | × | #include <opencv2/xphoto.hpp> |
opencv_xphoto |
Statistics of Patch Offsets for Image Completion | Algorithm that infers and repairs similar images in an image |
Method by fuzzy Fourier transform | 2014 | × | #include <opencv2/fuzzy.hpp> |
opencv_fuzzy |
Image reconstruction by means of F-transform | A method using the Fourier transform. For small scratchesONE_STEP , For big scratchesMULTI_STEP , Combined with small scratches and large scratchesITERATIVE 3 patterns are prepared |
CXX = c++
CXXFLAGS = -I/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/4.1.1_2/include/opencv4/
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/4.1.1_2/lib/
LDLIBS = -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_fuzzy -lopencv_photo -lopencv_xphoto
CXXVERSION = -std=c++11
inpaint: inpaint.cpp
clean :
rm inpaint
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/fuzzy.hpp>
#include <opencv2/photo.hpp>
#include <opencv2/xphoto.hpp>
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("./capture_2.png ");
cv::Mat resizeMat, dst, mergeMat;
cv::resize(src, resizeMat, cv::Size(), 0.5, 0.5);
//Mask image background black-Repair section white
cv::Mat mask_img = cv::Mat::zeros(resizeMat.size(), CV_8UC3);
cv::rectangle(mask_img, cv::Point(185,255), cv::Point(470,300), cv::Scalar(255,255,255), -1, cv::LINE_AA);
cv::rectangle(mask_img, cv::Point(40,25), cv::Point(115,65), cv::Scalar(255,255,255), -1, cv::LINE_AA);
cv::rectangle(mask_img, cv::Point(200,40), cv::Point(440,110), cv::Scalar(255,255,255), -1, cv::LINE_AA);
cv::imwrite("mask.png ", mask_img);
// ns
cv::inpaint(resizeMat, mask_img, dst, 3, cv::INPAINT_NS);
cv::imwrite("output_ns.png ", dst);
// telea
cv::inpaint(resizeMat, mask_img, dst, 3, cv::INPAINT_TELEA);
cv::imwrite("output_telea.png ", dst);
cv::Mat mask_inv = ~mask_img;
resizeMat.copyTo(mergeMat, mask_inv);
// xphoto
cv::xphoto::inpaint(mergeMat, mask_inv, dst, cv::xphoto::INPAINT_SHIFTMAP);
cv::imwrite("output_xphoto_shiftmap.png ", dst);
// fuzzy
cv::ft::inpaint(mergeMat, mask_inv, dst, 3, cv::ft::LINEAR, cv::ft::ONE_STEP);
cv::imwrite("output_fuzzy_linear_one_step.png ", dst);
cv::ft::inpaint(mergeMat, mask_inv, dst, 3, cv::ft::LINEAR, cv::ft::MULTI_STEP);
cv::imwrite("output_fuzzy_linear_multi.png ", dst);
cv::ft::inpaint(mergeMat, mask_inv, dst, 3, cv::ft::LINEAR, cv::ft::ITERATIVE);
cv::imwrite("output_fuzzy_linear_iterative.png ", dst);
return 0;
How to load the mask image is different for each function.
cv :: inpaint
makes the area to be repaired white, but cv :: xphoto :: inpaint
cv :: ft :: inpaint
makes it black. Therefore, it is inverted with cv :: Mat mask_inv = ~ mask_img;
library | parameter | image | odds |
photo | INPAINT_NS | ![]() |
photo | INPAINT_TELEA | ![]() |
xphoto | INPAINT_SHIFTMAP | ![]() |
fuzzy | ONE_STEP | ![]() |
× |
fuzzy | MULTI_STEP | ![]() |
◎ |
fuzzy | ITERATIVE | ![]() |
○ |
If you want to erase the above time, it will be repaired based on the background image, so there is no problem with cv :: inpaint
. As for the subtitles below, if you use cv :: inpaint
, the crease will be sharp in the middle, but cv :: ft :: inpaint
seems to be a little more relaxed. Although it is blurry than other parts, MULTI_STEP
is finished naturally as a whole.
cv :: xphoto :: inpaint INPAINT_SHIFTMAP
is pasted based on the section in the image, and it seems to be effective when there are many identical objects such as buildings and forests in the background image.
You can see that cv :: ft :: inpaint ONE_STEP
is not supported because it is a parameter for small scratches.
Future Next time I will try to erase the subtitles in the video: smirk_cat:
-Image Inpainting --opencv-python doc -Repair image / remove unnecessary objects --opencv cookbook -Development memo # 69 Using Inpaint with OpenCV 3.2 with Contrib module
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