Read DXF in python

It seems that you can read DXF with python using dxfgrabber pip install dxfgrabber

Create an appropriate DXF file with free 2D CAD jw_cad and read it.

import dxfgrabber

dxf = dxfgrabber.readfile("test.dxf")
#{'$ACADVER': 'AC1009', '$DWGCODEPAGE': 'ANSI_1252', '$INSBASE': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), '$EXTMIN': (0.0, 0.0), '$EXTMAX': (841.0, 594.0), '$LIMMIN': (0.0, 0.0), '$LIMMAX': (841.0, 594.0), '$LTSCALE': 1.0}

#Graphic elements
# print(vars(dxf.entities))
cirs = [e for e in dxf.entities if e.dxftype == 'CIRCLE']
lines = [e for e in dxf.entities if e.dxftype == 'LINE']

# {'dxftype': 'CIRCLE', 'handle': None, 'owner': None, 'paperspace': None, 'layer': '_0-0_', 'linetype': 'CONTINUOUS', 'thickness': 0.0, 'extrusion': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'ltscale': 1.0, 'line_weight': 0, 'invisible': 0, 'color': 7, 'true_color': None, 'transparency': None, 'shadow_mode': None, 'layout_tab_name': None, 'center': (94.41901840490794, 356.85030674846627), 'radius': 16.151818630112004}
#center is the center of the circle x, y
#radius is the circular radius
#linetype is the line type

#Straight line
#{'dxftype': 'LINE', 'handle': None, 'owner': None, 'paperspace': None, 'layer': '_0-0_', 'linetype': 'CONTINUOUS', 'thickness': 0.0, 'extrusion': None, 'ltscale': 1.0, 'line_weight': 0, 'invisible': 0, 'color': 7, 'true_color': None, 'transparency': None, 'shadow_mode': None, 'layout_tab_name': None, 'start': (386.4472392638037, 316.28711656441715), 'end': (386.4472392638037, 522.9865030674847)}
#start is the starting point x,y, end is the end point x,y
#linetype is the line type

#Line type list(jw_cad)
#{'_table_entries': {'CONTINUOUS': <dxfgrabber.linetypes.Linetype object at 0x000002B43A5796A0>, 'DASHED1': <dxfgrabber.linetypes.Linetype object at 0x000002B43A5796D8>, 'DASHED2': <dxfgrabber.linetypes.Linetype object at 0x000002B43A579710>, 'DASHED3': <dxfgrabber.linetypes.Linetype object at 0x000002B43A579748>, 'CENTER1': <dxfgrabber.linetypes.Linetype object at ...


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