It happened when I was working on teaching materials at an online school called Yanbaru Expert.
I am creating a Rails message posting application, and when I changed the extension of the css file in the stylesheets folder to the scss file and checked the operation, "Sprockets :: DoubleLinkError" appeared.
There are 3 files, css file, min.css file and scss file in the stylesheets folder, and it seems that the css file and scss file interfered and an error occurred.
After deleting the css file and min.css file and checking the operation, the error was resolved.
When I restarted VScode, the css and min.css files were generated again. I've included Easy Sass in the extension, and it looks like it was doing something wrong. After disabling Easy Sass, the css and min.css files are no longer auto-generated.
And now I can operate without any error.
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