See details of the egg you are currently using in pip + peco + $ {your favorite editor}

inspired by:

I had the best convenience I was looking for, but I usually write Python, so I made a pip version.

function peco-installed-pip-open() {
  PIP_MODULE=$(pip freeze | peco | sed -e "s/==.\+$//g")
  if [ "$PIP_MODULE" = "" ]; then
    return 1

  PKG_LOCATION=$(pip show ${PIP_MODULE} | grep '^Location:\s' | sed -e "s/^Location:\s//g")
  if [ "$PKG_LOCATION" = "" ]; then
    return 1

  if [ -e ${PATH_TO_PKG_DIR} ]; then
  zle accept-line

zle -N peco-installed-pip-open
bindkey '^[;p' peco-installed-pip-open  # Meta-; p

This is safe even on many days.

pip show --files isn't as convenient as the bundle guy, so it's a good fit. Also, I think that if you don't want to zle clear-screen, you should do it appropriately.

Atom project search seems convenient, but for the time being I am vim. For vim people, I think it's convenient to have VimFiler open when you open the directory.

[Codic from peco]( BF% E3% 81% A3% E3% 81% A6% E5% A4% 89% E6% 95% B0% E5% 90% 8D% E3% 81% A8% E3% 81% 8B% E8% 80% 83% I made E3% 81% 88% E3% 82% 8B), but it's quite convenient, so I hope everyone will try peco. That's it.

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