Solves the problem that static files (CSS, JS, img) are not read when DEBUG = False in Django.

If you set the debug mode to False on a server such as Heroku or GAE (Google App Engine), the static files provided by Django for development will not be provided and CSS, JS, img, etc. may not be displayed. There is.

So, I can solve this problem by uploading a static file to Google Cloud Storage, and I would like to explain how to do it.

Django Strage (Google Cloud Storage) Official Documentation

Install Django Strage

Install Django Strage (Google Cloud Storage), a Django library for working with Google Cloud Strage on Django, with pip.


$ pip install django-storages[google]

Get credentials on Google Cloud Platform

From Google Cloud Platform, register your Cloud Strage credentials and get a JSON file containing your credentials.

Get a service account

You can get it from the Google Start Guide (

step 1 From the link in the Google Start Guide (, select "Go to the Create Service Account Key page" 手順1

Step 2 Enter the service account name in Create new service account. GCS2 Then select "Storage"-> "Storage Administrator" from the role. Make sure that the key type is JSON, and click the "Create" button. GCS3 This will download the JSON file. GCS4

** Place the downloaded JSON file in the root directory of your Django project. ** **

Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket

The unit of Cloud Strage is called a bucket (meaning like a bucket to put data in). Create this to store your data.

Google Cloud Console (Cloud Strage)

If you access from the above URL, you will see the following creation screen, so create a new bucket. 作成画面.png

When completed, the screen below will be displayed. 作成完了.png

This completes the settings on the Google Cloud Platform console.

Settings in Django

Add settings to

Set the default storage and bucket name in the file.

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.gcloud.GoogleCloudStorage'
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.gcloud.GoogleCloudStorage'

from google.oauth2 import service_account

GS_CREDENTIALS = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '[YOUR_AUTHENTICATON_KEY_FILE_NAME].json'),

This completes the settings.

After that, let's execute the following command.


$ python collectstatic

Then deploy the configuration changes to the server and it should work.

Thank you for your hard work.

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