[Paiza] I made my own utility for answering questions [Java]

■ I made a Java version of Paiza Utility.

This is the Java version of ** [paiza] I made my own utility for answering questions [C #] ** that was released before.

Java seems to have a common name of xxx4j, so I named it PaizaUtil4J.

** Revised memo: **

-[Version 1] Implemented Java version based on C # version. -[Version 2] Bug fix for #readLine of DebugIO proxy -[Version3] Implemented change to file input to substitute for sequential string literals.

[Versions 1 and 2] Only the basic functions have been ported to Java for the time being.

The functionality and usage are the same as the C # version, so I will omit it this time.

** (*'▽') For those who need explanation, please refer to the article I wrote earlier. ** **


public class PaizaUtility
	public interface ITestIO
		String readLine();

		void writeLine(String line);

	public static class ConsoleProxy implements ITestIO
		private final Scanner in = new Scanner( System.in );

		public String readLine()
			return in.nextLine();

		public void writeLine(String line)
			System.out.println( line );

	static ITestIO io;

	// static ctor
	static {
		io = new ConsoleProxy();

	public static Iterable<String> readArgs()
		String s = io.readLine();
		int n = Integer.valueOf( s );

		return readArgs( n );
	public static Iterable<String> readArgs(final int n)
		List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();

		for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
			String arg = io.readLine();

			args.add( arg );

		return args;

	public interface IFunction<TResult, TParameter>
		TResult invoke( TParameter parameter );
	public static Iterable<String> readArgs( IFunction<Integer, String> parseHeaderRecord ) {
		String header = io.readLine();
		int n = parseHeaderRecord.invoke( header ).intValue();

		return readArgs( n );

	// static class.
	private PaizaUtility() { }

Do.java (where to implement the answer logic for paiza questions)

public class Do
	public static void answer()
//		//If you write the IFunction delegate in lambda, you will get this code.
//		Iterable<String> args = PaizaUtility.readArgs(
//				s -> Integer.parseInt( s )
//		);
		Iterable<String> args = PaizaUtility.readArgs();

		for ( String arg : args )
			PaizaUtility.io.writeLine( arg );

Program.java (main entry point of the program)

public class Program
	public static void main( String[] args )
		PaizaUtility.io = new DebugIO();


So, the implementation of the essential DebugIO class has not been finalized yet.

◇ Temporary implementation of DebugIO class at present


	private static class DebugIO implements ITestIO
		//C for java#There is no serial string literal notation like this, so it's dull, what should I do?
		private final String[] source = {

		private int index = 0;

		public String readLine()
			return index < source.length ? source[index++] : null;

		public void writeLine(String line)
			System.out.println( line );

◇ Problems with the DebugIO class.

In C #, there is a syntax specification called ** sequential string literal **, but Java doesn't have the equivalent function. Because of this, in the C # version, paiza's question parameters can be used as they are from the Web screen by copying, but in the Java version, the same hand cannot be used. What's wrong?

◇ It doesn't really matter

Sorry for the C # -like code style! !! I'm originally from C #, not Java, and I like C # better than Java linguistically! !!

◇ Problems with Java version

static class problem.

You can create a static class in C #, but you can't create a static class in Java.

Since you can't create a static class in Java, you don't add the static keyword to the outer class (on the enclosing side in Java). Because of this, specifically, the static keyword is not added to the two classes PaizaUtility and Do, so if you copy and paste as it is, a compile error will occur.

If you want to solve this forcibly, you can wrap the two classes in question with a dummy enclosing class and drop them into inner static members.

◇ There was a bug > <

It seems that I used the Scanner class incorrectly, and it was normally buggy and could not be used with paiza. (To be exact, there were cases where it could not be used)

ConsoleProxy (before modification)

		public String readLine()
			return in.next();

ConsoleProxy (after modification)

		public String readLine()
			return in.nextLine();

What a mess (´ ・ ω ・ `)

Since standard IO is not done so much in Java, I was struck by implementing the paiza official value acquisition / output sample code as it is. I'm sorry I didn't check it well, but ...

Reference information: It was helpful because there was a person who was addicted to a similar place.

I didn't understand the behavior of Java Scanner and .nextLine () well

[Version 3] Sequential string literal support (file input)

DebugIO (excerpt from constructor only)

		public DebugIO()
			this.source = readDataSource();
		private static String[] readDataSource()
			//For the time being, I will read from the text file with a relative path.
			Path path = Paths.get( "dat/datasource.txt" );

				return Files.lines( path ).toArray( String[]::new );
			catch ( IOException ex )
				//It's an absolutely impossible case, so anything is fine, but I'll empty it for the time being.
				return new String[]{};



Execution result


■ Click here for a set of solutions

The complete solution can be found on GitHub. In the future, I plan to add comments, improve functions, and play with various things.


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