--The mini-sum problem is a problem that minimizes the sum (sum: sum) (mini: min). --The minimax problem is a problem that minimizes the maximum value (max: max) (mini: min).
When applied to the evacuation planning problem, it is as follows.
--Minisam problem: Minimizing the total evacuation time for everyone. --Minimax problem: Minimizing the evacuation time of the person who is the most late.
In general, with a mathematical optimization solver, the following can be said.
--The minisum problem is easier to solve than the minimax problem.
Let's check.
import numpy as np, pandas as pd, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pulp import *
number of items= 1000
Number of users= 100
a = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(number of items,Number of users),
index=['Product%d'%i for i in range(Product数)],
columns=['User%d'%j for j in range(User数)])
a['Var'] = [LpVariable('v%d'%i, lowBound=0) for i in range(number of items)]
th> | User 0 th> | User 1 th> | User 2 th> | User 3 th> | User 4 th> | ... th> | User 99 th> tr> |
Product 0 th> | 0.417022 td> | 0.720324 td> | 0.000114 td> | 0.302333 td> | 0.146756 td> td> | ... td> | 0.186260 td> tr> |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Product 999 th> | 0.950176 td> | 0.556653 td> | 0.915606 td> | 0.641566 td> | 0.390008 td> td> | 0.485991 td> | 0.604310 td> tr> |
For 1000 items. Suppose 100 users have different sense of cost. Suppose you choose half of 1000 products for the following problems.
--Minisum problem: Minimizing the total cost of all users --Minimax problem: Minimize the maximum cost feeling for each user
Let's look at the calculation time while changing the number of products.
it = [100, 200, 500, 1000] #Product number list
tm = []
for n in it:
b = a[:n]
#Minisum problem
m1 = LpProblem() #Minimization problem(mini)
m1 += lpDot(b.T[:-1].sum(), b.Var) #total(Sam)
m1 += lpSum(b.Var) <= int(n * 0.5)
#Minimax problem
m2 = LpProblem() #Minimization problem(mini)
y = LpVariable('y', lowBound=0)
# y >= max(Value of user j)
for j in range(Number of users): m2 += y >= lpDot(b.ix[:, j], b.Var)
m2 += y #total(Max)
m2 += lpSum(b.Var) <= int(n * 0.5)
tm.append((m1.solutionTime, m2.solutionTime))
plt.plot(it, tm)
plt.legend(['Minisum problem','Minimax problem'], loc='upper left')
The minimax problem takes considerably longer than the minisum problem.
--Compared to the minisum problem, the minimax problem has many optimal solutions. --Solver is exploring all possibilities. --If there are many optimal solutions, the solver cannot calculate efficiently.
In some cases, it may be faster to solve in two steps, such as How to solve a bin packing problem.
that's all
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