I found out by making a python script to record radiko while reading the code of the predecessors


Tried environment

What I made


What I found

Protocol called hls used in Radiko

Outline of processing performed when listening to a program on Radiko

It turned out that the client and the server are communicating with each other by HTTP as shown in the figure below.


How did you find out

Roughly it looks like this. I couldn't go in this order smoothly, and I went back and forth several times.

  1. Read the code written by another person → I understand that authorization processing and audio file acquisition processing are required
  2. Write the code → Call Radiko's API and get HTTP status code 40X, so you know that something is missing
  3. Find out what kind of communication is being done with the developer tools of Google Chrome → Understand that it was insufficient by looking at the specific communication content
  4. After writing the code, I will summarize what I did this time → There were words that I could not explain well → I understand that hls and m3u8 are specified by RFC, not by Radiko's own specifications

I read the code from the following article.

  1. Simple Radiko Recording Script
  2. [Python] Play Radiko
  3. I made a software that automatically searches and records radiko, super A & G, sound spring and sound with Python3
  4. Road to radiko recording (download) Part 1

Since 1 was written in a shell script, I googled the commands I didn't understand and immediately knew what kind of package I needed.

However, I wasn't sure why the pre-processing was done or what it was doing. (The shell power is insufficient.) I was trying to write a few in Python, which I usually use, so it was easy to understand, and I found that the process I didn't understand in the shell script earlier was the authorization process. In 4, I found out how to find out what kind of logic is used to generate the partial key of Radiko's original specifications.

Now that we have the packages and libraries we need, we've written the code. So, as mentioned above, I called Radiko's API and returned an HTTP status code of 40X series, so I investigated what the Chrome developer tools are doing on the browser that fails with my code. The following is when I investigated the authorization process. devtool_auth.png

Looking at the request content, I knew when and where I needed something in the request header that started with X-Radiko-***. When I took a quick look at the code, I had overlooked it. So, it finally started to work.

What I got in the article

What is hls when putting it together? What is m3u8? I wondered again, and when I looked it up, I found that it was decided by RFC. If it was decided by RFC, I also found that there might be a library that makes them easy to handle.

The m3u8 library was easy to use and cleaned up my messy code. Also, reading the RFC and understanding the terms made it easier to name methods and variables. For example, the variables Master Playlist and Media playlist were very appropriate before reading the RFC and had names that were unclear when read again.

A recently read book, Isao Ueda. 101 principles that will be useful for a lifetime that you want to learn by the third year of Principles of Programming.

There is also a saying, "Good programmers write good code, great programmers borrow good code."

There was. When I read it, I had an understanding that I could understand somehow, but this time, I feel that I have deepened my understanding that knowing what is standard will lead to an improvement in level.


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