How to pass the path to the library built with pyenv and virtualenv in PyCharm

The point

Pass the path to the interpreter introduced by pyenv in PyCharm.


OS X -> 10.10.1 (Yosemite) pyenv -> 20141012 pyenv-vertualenv -> 20141012

at first

I want to prepare different libraries and Python versions for each product. In such a case, it seems better to use pyenv and virtualenv. (However, I feel that the scope of pyenv and virtualenv is slightly different from the management of each product such as maven, sbt, bundler ...)

When the environment is built using pyenv and virtualenv, the default Python is read unless the settings are changed to PyCharm, which is the IDE, so the dependency of the library built in the virtual environment cannot be resolved. I've done it like a brain muscle, so don't forget how to make it possible to refer to the path of the dependent library.



  1. Open PyCharm
  2. Preferences > Project:your_projcet_name > Project Interpreter
  3. /usr/bin/python -> /usr/local/var/lib/pyenv/versions/your_virtual_env_name


It depends on the personal environment and virtual environment name.

スクリーンショット 2014-12-27 23.48.24.png

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