It synthesizes the video of Droidcam and the desktop, synthesizes your own voice and the sound in the PC, and distributes it on Discord.
The OS is Arch Linux and the PC is an old Sandy generation.
This is just a camera. See this article
All the audio inside the PC is mixed and output virtually. [Simultaneous output of multiple sound card devices on ArchWiki]( Troubleshooting # .E8.A4.87.E6.95.B0.E3.81. AE.E3.82.B5.E3.82.A6.E3.83.B3.E3.83.89.E3.82.AB.E3.83.BC.E3.83.89.E3.83.BB.E3.83.87. E3.83.90.E3.82.A4.E3.82.B9.E3.81.AE.E5.90.8C.E6.99.82.E5.87.BA.E5.8A.9B).
#May not be necessary
sudo modprobe snd-aloo
yay -S paprefs
This time I will use Final E3000 Since the PC only supports 3 poles, use a conversion adapter
Set the virtual microphone created with PulseAudio earlier as the Discord microphone. ** If the volume of the PC is low, the sound of the microphone will also be low, so adjust the sensitivity manually **
Droidcam (v4l2loopback) and screen captures are combined with OBS and output to the virtual camera.
Use In the case of ArchLinux, it is in AUR, so use it.
sudo modprobe v4l2loopback
#The module used by Droidcam is v4l2loopback_Completely different with dc
yay -S obs-v4l2sink-git
#Extension function to output OBS to virtual camera
Be sure to set the format to YUV420
Also, check if you are using / dev / video0
with Droidcam.
A Discord client is required to make Discord recognize the virtual camera. I couldn't use it with a browser for some reason. Be sure to restart the client after starting the virtual camera.
Set the microphone and camera to the created virtual device and test them. If it works, it's done.
However, if you close windows such as Droidcam and OBS, it will stop, so it is better to use functions such as virtual desktop.
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