[Go 1.13] What to do when unexpected directory layout: appears

 I think this will work.


 An error that occurred when I was developing with Go and tried to separate packages using files.
 I solved it for the time being, so I made a note immediately. .. ..

## environment

version go version go1.13.14 linux/amd64 centos 7

Directory structure ./ | |--sample/ | | | |--sample.go | |--main.go

## Actual code

#### **`main.go`**

package main

import "./sample"

func main() {
	a := sample.Foo("test")


package sample

import "fmt"

func Foo(s string) string {
	return "aaa " + s + " bbb"

func PrintFoo(s string) {
[root@marny ---]# go build -o practice
unexpected directory layout:
        import path: _/develop/go/src/test/marny/sample
        root: /develop/go/src
        dir: /develop/go/src/test/marny/sample
        expand root: /develop/go
        expand dir: /develop/go/src/test/marny/sample
        separator: /

What kind of error is it

The error ʻunexpected directory layout:` seems to be an error that the path of the imported package is not specified.

I myself edited centos7 (vbox) by connecting it to windows with samba, so there was no error in the source code ...


In my case, ** $ GOPATH ** is specified as / develop / go. According to the GOPATH specifications, I generate bins and srcs and develop Go, but an error occurs here.

The solution is to change import./sample in main.go to the relative path seen from $ GOPATH / src.



package main

import "test/marny/sample"

func main() {
	a := sample.Foo("test")

I think this will solve it.

GOPATH is annoying.

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