Introducing WebPay from Flask

About webpay-python

On December 02, WebPay's Python package [webpay-python] 1 was released. webpay-python is a modern Python package with the following points:

--Supports multiple versions of Python (Python 2.6-3.3) by [tox] 2 -Data-driven test by [pytest] 3 -Supports PEP8 by [flake8] 4 --API access using [requests] 5

This package is important because many packages are not yet compatible with Python3. You can deploy WebPay with ** Python 3.3 ** without having to modify the package yourself.

Introducing WebPay from Flask

I love [Flask] 6 among Python web frameworks, so this time I will introduce WebPay to Flask. The environment used is MacOS 10.9.1 / Python3.3 / Flask 0.10.1.

About operation

Let's implement it while following [what @hmsk] 8.

  1. Enter the purchase information from ‘/’ and post to ‘/ purhcase’
  2. Billing processing and result output using WebPay with ‘/ purchase’

About file structure

Controller is placed under and View is placed under templates. There is no Model this time.

└── templates
    ├── index.html
    ├── layout.html
    └── purchased.html

Actual code and execution

If you write the Controller roughly, it will look like the following. “\ # Noqa” is attached because it is through flake8.

import sys
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for, redirect
from webpay import WebPay
from webpay.errors import InvalidRequestError

app = Flask(__name__)
WEBPAY_PUB_KEY = 'test_public_19DdUs78k2lV8PO8ZCaYX3JT'
WEBPAY_PRI_KEY = 'test_secret_eHn4TTgsGguBcW764a2KA8Yd'

def index():
    return render_template('index.html', webpay_pubkey=WEBPAY_PUB_KEY)

@app.route('/purchase', methods=['POST'])
def purchase():
    webpay = WebPay(WEBPAY_PRI_KEY)
        charge = webpay.charges.create(
        return render_template('purchased.html', charge=charge)
    except InvalidRequestError:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]  # noqa
        return redirect(url_for('index'))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Next is View. Since [jinja2] 7 is available by default in flask, it is possible to inherit View. Create index.html and purchased.html based on layout.html.


<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>WebPay flask sample</title>
  {% block body %}{% endblock %}


{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}

<form action="/purchase" method="post">
  <script src="" class="webpay-button" data-key="{{ webpay_pubkey }}"></script>
{% endblock %}


{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
<h3>Imagine purchased</h3>
{% if %}
<p>When making inquiries regarding shipping{{ }}Please let us know.</p>
{% endif %}
  <li><a href='' target='_blank'>Actually buy</a></li>
  <li><a href='/'>Buy again</a></li>
{% endblock %}

After that, if you access [http: // localhost: 5000](http: // localhost: 8000) from the following command, you will find that you can process billing.

cd webpay-flask-sample

About the JS part

CheckoutHelper is used for the JS part. See below for this.

-[Introduce WebPay with a little code] 8 -[Mastering WebPay's Checkout Helper] 9

At the end

This time I introduced webpay-python to flask. The code created this time is in [here] 10, so you can easily use webpay-python. webpay-python has just been released, but it is a package for WebPay that can also be used with Python 3.3. Please use it by all means. (Requests for webpay-python up to [Issues] 11!)

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