Since I studied about colors, I made a list of color codes.
--Note) The following is a list of color codes for Web Safe Colors (explained below). --Note) The range of possible values for HSV is $ 0 \ le H \ le 360, ~~ 0 \ le S, V \ le 255 $.
Color code | Complementary colors | Opposite color | ||
#000000 |
#000000 |
#ffffff |
#000033 |
#333300 |
#ffffcc |
#000066 |
#666600 |
#ffff99 |
#000099 |
#999900 |
#ffff66 |
#0000cc |
#cccc00 |
#ffff33 |
#0000ff |
#ffff00 |
#ffff00 |
#003300 |
#330033 |
#ffccff |
#003333 |
#330000 |
#ffcccc |
#003366 |
#663300 |
#ffcc99 |
#003399 |
#996600 |
#ffcc66 |
#0033cc |
#cc9900 |
#ffcc33 |
#0033ff |
#ffcc00 |
#ffcc00 |
#006600 |
#660066 |
#ff99ff |
#006633 |
#660033 |
#ff99cc |
#006666 |
#660000 |
#ff9999 |
#006699 |
#993300 |
#ff9966 |
#0066cc |
#cc6600 |
#ff9933 |
#0066ff |
#ff9900 |
#ff9900 |
#009900 |
#990099 |
#ff66ff |
#009933 |
#990066 |
#ff66cc |
#009966 |
#990033 |
#ff6699 |
#009999 |
#990000 |
#ff6666 |
#0099cc |
#cc3300 |
#ff6633 |
#0099ff |
#ff6600 |
#ff6600 |
#00cc00 |
#cc00cc |
#ff33ff |
#00cc33 |
#cc0099 |
#ff33cc |
#00cc66 |
#cc0066 |
#ff3399 |
#00cc99 |
#cc0033 |
#ff3366 |
#00cccc |
#cc0000 |
#ff3333 |
#00ccff |
#ff3300 |
#ff3300 |
#00ff00 |
#ff00ff |
#ff00ff |
#00ff33 |
#ff00cc |
#ff00cc |
#00ff66 |
#ff0099 |
#ff0099 |
#00ff99 |
#ff0066 |
#ff0066 |
#00ffcc |
#ff0033 |
#ff0033 |
#00ffff |
#ff0000 |
#ff0000 |
#330000 |
#003333 |
#ccffff |
#330033 |
#003300 |
#ccffcc |
#330066 |
#336600 |
#ccff99 |
#330099 |
#669900 |
#ccff66 |
#3300cc |
#99cc00 |
#ccff33 |
#3300ff |
#ccff00 |
#ccff00 |
#333300 |
#000033 |
#ccccff |
#333333 |
#333333 |
#cccccc |
#333366 |
#666633 |
#cccc99 |
#333399 |
#999933 |
#cccc66 |
#3333cc |
#cccc33 |
#cccc33 |
#3333ff |
#ffff33 |
#cccc00 |
#336600 |
#330066 |
#cc99ff |
#336633 |
#663366 |
#cc99cc |
#336666 |
#663333 |
#cc9999 |
#336699 |
#996633 |
#cc9966 |
#3366cc |
#cc9933 |
#cc9933 |
#3366ff |
#ffcc33 |
#cc9900 |
#339900 |
#660099 |
#cc66ff |
#339933 |
#993399 |
#cc66cc |
#339966 |
#993366 |
#cc6699 |
#339999 |
#993333 |
#cc6666 |
#3399cc |
#cc6633 |
#cc6633 |
#3399ff |
#ff9933 |
#cc6600 |
#33cc00 |
#9900cc |
#cc33ff |
#33cc33 |
#cc33cc |
#cc33cc |
#33cc66 |
#cc3399 |
#cc3399 |
#33cc99 |
#cc3366 |
#cc3366 |
#33cccc |
#cc3333 |
#cc3333 |
#33ccff |
#ff6633 |
#cc3300 |
#33ff00 |
#cc00ff |
#cc00ff |
#33ff33 |
#ff33ff |
#cc00cc |
#33ff66 |
#ff33cc |
#cc0099 |
#33ff99 |
#ff3399 |
#cc0066 |
#33ffcc |
#ff3366 |
#cc0033 |
#33ffff |
#ff3333 |
#cc0000 |
#660000 |
#006666 |
#99ffff |
#660033 |
#006633 |
#99ffcc |
#660066 |
#006600 |
#99ff99 |
#660099 |
#339900 |
#99ff66 |
#6600cc |
#66cc00 |
#99ff33 |
#6600ff |
#99ff00 |
#99ff00 |
#663300 |
#003366 |
#99ccff |
#663333 |
#336666 |
#99cccc |
#663366 |
#336633 |
#99cc99 |
#663399 |
#669933 |
#99cc66 |
#6633cc |
#99cc33 |
#99cc33 |
#6633ff |
#ccff33 |
#99cc00 |
#666600 |
#000066 |
#9999ff |
#666633 |
#333366 |
#9999cc |
#666666 |
#666666 |
#999999 |
#666699 |
#999966 |
#999966 |
#6666cc |
#cccc66 |
#999933 |
#6666ff |
#ffff66 |
#999900 |
#669900 |
#330099 |
#9966ff |
#669933 |
#663399 |
#9966cc |
#669966 |
#996699 |
#996699 |
#669999 |
#996666 |
#996666 |
#6699cc |
#cc9966 |
#996633 |
#6699ff |
#ffcc66 |
#996600 |
#66cc00 |
#6600cc |
#9933ff |
#66cc33 |
#9933cc |
#9933cc |
#66cc66 |
#cc66cc |
#993399 |
#66cc99 |
#cc6699 |
#993366 |
#66cccc |
#cc6666 |
#993333 |
#66ccff |
#ff9966 |
#993300 |
#66ff00 |
#9900ff |
#9900ff |
#66ff33 |
#cc33ff |
#9900cc |
#66ff66 |
#ff66ff |
#990099 |
#66ff99 |
#ff66cc |
#990066 |
#66ffcc |
#ff6699 |
#990033 |
#66ffff |
#ff6666 |
#990000 |
#990000 |
#009999 |
#66ffff |
#990033 |
#009966 |
#66ffcc |
#990066 |
#009933 |
#66ff99 |
#990099 |
#009900 |
#66ff66 |
#9900cc |
#33cc00 |
#66ff33 |
#9900ff |
#66ff00 |
#66ff00 |
#993300 |
#006699 |
#66ccff |
#993333 |
#339999 |
#66cccc |
#993366 |
#339966 |
#66cc99 |
#993399 |
#339933 |
#66cc66 |
#9933cc |
#66cc33 |
#66cc33 |
#9933ff |
#99ff33 |
#66cc00 |
#996600 |
#003399 |
#6699ff |
#996633 |
#336699 |
#6699cc |
#996666 |
#669999 |
#669999 |
#996699 |
#669966 |
#669966 |
#9966cc |
#99cc66 |
#669933 |
#9966ff |
#ccff66 |
#669900 |
#999900 |
#000099 |
#6666ff |
#999933 |
#333399 |
#6666cc |
#999966 |
#666699 |
#666699 |
#999999 |
#999999 |
#666666 |
#9999cc |
#cccc99 |
#666633 |
#9999ff |
#ffff99 |
#666600 |
#99cc00 |
#3300cc |
#6633ff |
#99cc33 |
#6633cc |
#6633cc |
#99cc66 |
#9966cc |
#663399 |
#99cc99 |
#cc99cc |
#663366 |
#99cccc |
#cc9999 |
#663333 |
#99ccff |
#ffcc99 |
#663300 |
#99ff00 |
#6600ff |
#6600ff |
#99ff33 |
#9933ff |
#6600cc |
#99ff66 |
#cc66ff |
#660099 |
#99ff99 |
#ff99ff |
#660066 |
#99ffcc |
#ff99cc |
#660033 |
#99ffff |
#ff9999 |
#660000 |
#cc0000 |
#00cccc |
#33ffff |
#cc0033 |
#00cc99 |
#33ffcc |
#cc0066 |
#00cc66 |
#33ff99 |
#cc0099 |
#00cc33 |
#33ff66 |
#cc00cc |
#00cc00 |
#33ff33 |
#cc00ff |
#33ff00 |
#33ff00 |
#cc3300 |
#0099cc |
#33ccff |
#cc3333 |
#33cccc |
#33cccc |
#cc3366 |
#33cc99 |
#33cc99 |
#cc3399 |
#33cc66 |
#33cc66 |
#cc33cc |
#33cc33 |
#33cc33 |
#cc33ff |
#66ff33 |
#33cc00 |
#cc6600 |
#0066cc |
#3399ff |
#cc6633 |
#3399cc |
#3399cc |
#cc6666 |
#66cccc |
#339999 |
#cc6699 |
#66cc99 |
#339966 |
#cc66cc |
#66cc66 |
#339933 |
#cc66ff |
#99ff66 |
#339900 |
#cc9900 |
#0033cc |
#3366ff |
#cc9933 |
#3366cc |
#3366cc |
#cc9966 |
#6699cc |
#336699 |
#cc9999 |
#99cccc |
#336666 |
#cc99cc |
#99cc99 |
#336633 |
#cc99ff |
#ccff99 |
#336600 |
#cccc00 |
#0000cc |
#3333ff |
#cccc33 |
#3333cc |
#3333cc |
#cccc66 |
#6666cc |
#333399 |
#cccc99 |
#9999cc |
#333366 |
#cccccc |
#cccccc |
#333333 |
#ccccff |
#ffffcc |
#333300 |
#ccff00 |
#3300ff |
#3300ff |
#ccff33 |
#6633ff |
#3300cc |
#ccff66 |
#9966ff |
#330099 |
#ccff99 |
#cc99ff |
#330066 |
#ccffcc |
#ffccff |
#330033 |
#ccffff |
#ffcccc |
#330000 |
#ff0000 |
#00ffff |
#00ffff |
#ff0033 |
#00ffcc |
#00ffcc |
#ff0066 |
#00ff99 |
#00ff99 |
#ff0099 |
#00ff66 |
#00ff66 |
#ff00cc |
#00ff33 |
#00ff33 |
#ff00ff |
#00ff00 |
#00ff00 |
#ff3300 |
#00ccff |
#00ccff |
#ff3333 |
#33ffff |
#00cccc |
#ff3366 |
#33ffcc |
#00cc99 |
#ff3399 |
#33ff99 |
#00cc66 |
#ff33cc |
#33ff66 |
#00cc33 |
#ff33ff |
#33ff33 |
#00cc00 |
#ff6600 |
#0099ff |
#0099ff |
#ff6633 |
#33ccff |
#0099cc |
#ff6666 |
#66ffff |
#009999 |
#ff6699 |
#66ffcc |
#009966 |
#ff66cc |
#66ff99 |
#009933 |
#ff66ff |
#66ff66 |
#009900 |
#ff9900 |
#0066ff |
#0066ff |
#ff9933 |
#3399ff |
#0066cc |
#ff9966 |
#66ccff |
#006699 |
#ff9999 |
#99ffff |
#006666 |
#ff99cc |
#99ffcc |
#006633 |
#ff99ff |
#99ff99 |
#006600 |
#ffcc00 |
#0033ff |
#0033ff |
#ffcc33 |
#3366ff |
#0033cc |
#ffcc66 |
#6699ff |
#003399 |
#ffcc99 |
#99ccff |
#003366 |
#ffcccc |
#ccffff |
#003333 |
#ffccff |
#ccffcc |
#003300 |
#ffff00 |
#0000ff |
#0000ff |
#ffff33 |
#3333ff |
#0000cc |
#ffff66 |
#6666ff |
#000099 |
#ffff99 |
#9999ff |
#000066 |
#ffffcc |
#ccccff |
#000033 |
#ffffff |
#ffffff |
#000000 |
The above list is a copy and paste of the output result of the following Python code. The environment used was Google Colaboratory.
print('|Color code| $(R, G, B)$ | $(H, S, V)$ |Complementary colors|Opposite color|')
print('| :---: | :--- | :--- | :---: | :---: |')
for r in range(0, 256, 51):
for g in range(0, 256, 51):
for b in range(0, 256, 51):
r_c, g_c, b_c = get_complementary_colors(r, g, b)
r_o, g_o, b_o = get_opposite_colors(r, g, b)
h, s, v = get_hsv_colors(r, g, b)
color_code = '`#' + format(r, '02x') + format(g, '02x') + format(b, '02x') + '`' #Convert to hexadecimal
rgb = '$({}, {}, {})$'.format(r, g, b)
hsv = '$({}, {}, {})$'.format(h, s, v)
color_code_comp = '`#' + format(r_c, '02x') + format(g_c, '02x') + format(b_c, '02x') + '`'
color_code_opposit = '`#' + format(r_o, '02x') + format(g_o, '02x') + format(b_o, '02x') + '`'
print('| {} | {} | {} | {} | {} |'.format(color_code, rgb, hsv, color_code_comp, color_code_opposit))
The function is:
def get_complementary_colors(r, g, b):
"""Function to calculate complementary colors"""
tmp = max(r, g, b) + min(r, g, b)
return tmp - r, tmp - g, tmp - b
def get_opposite_colors(r, g, b):
"""Function to calculate the opposite color"""
return 255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b
def get_hsv_colors(r, g, b):
Function to calculate HSV
Use a cylinder model
h, s,The range of possible values for v is
h : 0 - 360
s : 0 - 255
v : 0 - 255
r /= 255
g /= 255
b /= 255
max_rgb = max(r, g, b)
min_rgb = min(r, g, b)
v = max_rgb
if v == 0 or v == min_rgb:
h = 0
s = 0
s = (max_rgb - min_rgb) / max_rgb
if min_rgb == b:
h = 60 * (g - r)/(max_rgb - min_rgb) + 60
elif min_rgb == r:
h = 60 * (b - g)/(max_rgb - min_rgb) + 180
elif min_rgb == g:
h = 60 * (r - b)/(max_rgb - min_rgb) + 300
h %= 360
s *= 255
v *= 255
return int(h), int(s), int(v)
For HSV, the same result can be obtained by the following calculation using OpenCV.
import cv2
import numpy as np
def get_hsv_colors_cv2(r, g, b):
"""Function to calculate HSV (using OpenCV)"""
bgr = np.uint8([[[b, g, r ]]])
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
h = hsv[0][0][0]
s = hsv[0][0][1]
v = hsv[0][0][2]
h *= 2 #0 in openCV-For 180
return h, s, v
Web-safe colors are colors that are displayed in the same way even in different environments such as browsers and operating systems. RGB is divided into 6 levels (00, 33, 66, 99, CC, FF in hexadecimal notation), and the colors can be combined. There are 216 colors in all.
RGB RGB is a method of expressing colors by combining the three colors of red (** R ** ed), green (** G ** reen), and blue (** B ** lue). It is a general color expression method.
HSV HSV is a method of expressing color by combining three of hue (** H ** ue), saturation (** S ** saturation), and lightness (** V ** alue).
The conversion formula from RGB space to HSV space is as follows. MAX and MIN are the maximum and minimum values of RGB, respectively.
H &=&
{\rm undefined}, &({\rm when ~~~} {\rm MIN} = {\rm MAX})\\
60 \times \displaystyle\frac{G - R}{{\rm MAX}-{\rm MIN}}+60, &({\rm when ~~~}{\rm MIN} = B)\\
60 \times \displaystyle\frac{B - G}{{\rm MAX}-{\rm MIN}}+180, &({\rm when ~~~}{\rm MIN} = R)\\
60 \times \displaystyle\frac{R - B}{{\rm MAX}-{\rm MIN}}+300, &({\rm when ~~~}{\rm MIN} = G)
S &=& \frac{{\rm MAX}-{\rm MIN}}{{\rm MAX}}\\
V &=& {\rm MAX}
However, since $ 0 \ le R, G, B \ le 1 $ is required, $ R, G, B $ are divided by $ 255 $ in advance.
Also, since it is $ 0 \ le H \ le 360 $, we need to finally allocate the remainder divided by $ 360 $ to $ H $.
H = 400 # > 360
print(H % 360)
H = -30 # < 0
print(H % 360)
Complementary colors are the sum of the maximum and minimum RGB values minus the respective RGB values.
The opposite color is 255 minus the RGB values.
-HSV Color Space -Color wheel and 12 color wheel [Creation and calculation formula]
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