[JAVA] CheckStyle support

Java development environment memo I am building a development environment with CheckStyle, but since a lot of alerts are issued with CheckStyle, I will investigate and describe how to deal with it.


1-1. Pom setting



1-2. Downloading the configuration file

Download from below?


The pom.xml file has the following sites set for selection. https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-checkstyle-plugin/examples/custom-checker-config.html

What if I get an error?


There may be a difference between the rule file and library versions.

2-1. The import statement is not in lexicographic order.

2-1-1. Cause

If the package of your own class is at the beginning of the alphabet than org (jp etc.), you will be warned.

1-2. Solution by Eclipse

  1. [Window]-[Settings]
  2. [Java]-[Code Style]-[Organize Import]
  3. Create your own package (jp) with the "New" button and move it to org.

2.Package name'must match pattern' ^ [a-z] + (. [A-z] [a-z0-9] *) * $'.

Cause The package name contains symbols such as "_".

2-1. CheckStyle solution

Before correction

    <module name="PackageName">
      <property name="format" value="^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$"/>
      <message key="name.invalidPattern"
             value="Package name ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''."/>

Change the above rule to INFO instead of warning. You can specify either ignore, info, warning, or error.


    <module name="PackageName">
      <property name="format" value="^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$"/>
      <message key="name.invalidPattern"
             value="Package name ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''."/>
             <property name="severity" value="info" />

Reference URL

Share rules such as CheckStyle with multiple modules https://ssogabe.hatenadiary.org/entry/20091219/1261196056


Eclipse solution

CheckStyle solution

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