[JAVA] Phone number input check


There is a 5-digit area code, a 4-digit-3 digit-3 digit telephone number, etc. It's a hassle if you really try to check the phone number input on your own.

Let's leave it to the library.


<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.googlecode.libphonenumber/libphonenumber -->
final PhoneNumberUtil PHONE_NUMBER_UTIL = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();

String tel = "045-1230-4567";//true
//String tel = "04505-2-4567";//true
//String tel = "0454-130-467";//true
//String tel = "0454-130-499967";//false
//The second argument specifies which country's phone number the tel variable is. com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.Select the one written in CountryCodeToRegionCodeMap.
PhoneNumber phoneNumber = PHONE_NUMBER_UTIL.parse(tel, "JP");
boolean result= PHONE_NUMBER_UTIL.isValidNumber(phoneNumber);

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